Dr Tedros talks about the sacrifices of health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic


“Last week I visited France and Spain to join their leaders in recognizing the incredible contribution of health workers in the fight against #COVID19. We all owe them an enormous debt, not just because they have cared for the sick, but for risking their own lives in the line of duty” WHO Director-General Dr Tedros.

See the entire press conference here:


  1. On behalf of the global communist movement, I must thank you for carrying out our orders and spreading our awareness for the world to follow by example.

    I commend you for standing by our side through all the hardships we have endured in these bizarre times.
    Together we work towards a great future for a better present.

  2. WCO correct name for this organisation ( world covid organization) ,thanks TO WHO for spreading covid 19 to the world

  3. We know you propaganda for CCP.
    Thanks we cannot believe a WORD from any communist. They don’t care a single soul but themselves. And you are sign up with them. And we took your words and the whole world lost haft millions people. If any one believe you mean they sign up for funeral.

  4. World hoax organization, what do they know about health and humanity, they are lying to you about germ theory, and sars cov2 aka covid 19 which doesn’t exist, when you get sick and have symptoms of cold or flu that’s your body trying to detox bcuz you put too much crap or poison in it

  5. You chor chakka sale china se paisa Liya hai . Jyara Gyan mat de peheli phursat se Nikal koi jarurat nahi hai dunia Ko teri….😠😠😠😠😠😠

  6. It’s so strange to see my target at the range, talking. Still an open invite, Tedros. My friends and I in Alaska, would love to take you on a tour of my property. Come hang out. You’ll love it.


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