Gov. Polis urges social distancing as positivity rate surpasses 6%


Gov. Jared Polis urged Coloradans to increase social distancing measures as COVID-19 transmission rates continues to climb, reaching a 6.2% three-day average positivity rate on Tuesday. The state’s goal is to remain below 5%.


  1. This guy is a joke and not a doctor or even a hospital administrator people. He’s not intelligent at all. 99.99% survival rate that’s why we are tired of your bs.

  2. We were told to avoid crowds and social distance. We did. We were told to wear masks everywhere. We have. Businesses were asked to change the way they operate in an effort to slow they spread. They did. This has been the “status quo” for the last 7+ months. Polis has completely lost self control and refuses to understand that the virus will infect who it’s going to infect regardless of what we do. Maybe if the recall effort collects enough signatures he’ll finally get a clue.

  3. 85% of people that wear masks get Covid-19 it’s on the cdc website. I don’t think I’ve heard him talk once about the worst fire in Colorado history. As a Colorado native I’m disgusted.

  4. I can’t believe we have become such a weak society that we are allowing our government to do whatever they want to do they are limiting the size of people that you can communicate and spend time with since when does the government have that kind of power we have allowed these politicians to get so far out of control it’s ridiculous that is also why our governor keeps losing whenever it comes up to federal courts he will be next on The Chopping Block just like Hickenlooper give it two years and he is going to be under a federal investigation

  5. The DEMOCRATIC governor is usurping the Bill of Rights – we have the RIGHT to meet freely/assemble freely. Polis is just another Democratic governor who power grabs OVER the US Constitution. Guess the Bill of Rights mean nothing to you governor.


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