LIVE: Launch of the World Report on Hearing


Globally over 430 million people experience disabling hearing loss, a number that could grow to nearly 700 million by 2050. When unaddressed, hearing loss poses a significant challenge for all age groups, hindering language development, communication, cognition, and limiting access to education, employment and social interactions.

The vast majority of those with disabling hearing loss live in low- and middle-income countries where policies, human resources, infrastructure and awareness required to address hearing loss are commonly lacking.

Many causes that lead to hearing loss can be prevented. The WHO estimates that 60% of hearing loss among children is due to preventable causes; and that over a billion adolescents and young adults are at risk of avoidable, irreversible hearing loss due to the common practices of listening to music at loud volumes and for prolonged time.

In those living with hearing loss timely and appropriate care, through available and effective technologies and interventions, can ensure that they have the opportunity to realize their full potential.

These facts along with supporting data and evidence have been presented in the World Report on Hearing, which was requested by the World Health Assembly in 2017.



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