Make a difference and declare your support for #VaccinEquity


Make a difference and declare your support for vaccine equity. Sign the WHO declaration calling for COVID-19 vaccines to reach health workers in every country in the first 100 days of 2021.

Link to declaration:


  1. I’m not a troll, I’m one of your biggest fans, but whoever approved this video needs to rethink who’s been hired for message development. A life saving campaign can’t be done with the only videos you have available about vaccination and force them into an equity campaign. How about you explain what equity is? how about you interview non vaccinated doctors in countries that won’t have had access to a single vaccine? Frontline workers of color in one of the richest countries in the world should not be the face of this campaign. Also, the tag is misspelled.

  2. Welcome, I hope you are in good health. The name is Yahya, Moroccan nationality, age 32 years. Really, I searched for a work contract in any job, and I can send you my full personal approval.


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