Media briefing on COVID-19



  1. lol the american asking a question sat back away from the mic and then only coming forward when asked….kind of like their response to the virus

  2. Thanks for all the information and explanations you give us. It prevents anxiety knowing what to do. Thanks for your efforts.

  3. “Still learning about this virus”. Will there come a time when we have stopped “learning”? 1 year? 2 years?? The last pandemic lasted 26 months (Spanish flu).

  4. Of course Tedros fails to mention that his boss, the Communist Party of China, refuses to let Taiwan have a voice in this fight against Covid19 though they are doing better than just about every other country. He says he wants to be clear: so be clear about why you refuse to give Taiwan a voice in your organization. You are a disgrace to the WHO and the UN and soon other Western countries are going to reject you and your corrupt games.

  5. *WHO, Thank you all again for all your huge efforts. You’ll be in History forever. We are very far from controling this pandemia because it’s hard for a big part of world human beings to do what must to be done for the most different reasons. But never for lack of WHO efforts and clear guidelines. Thank you.*

    *These briefings are very appropriate to be understood by a big part of the general public and therefor I always publish the links.*

    *Warmest regards from Brasil to each of the whole team,*

    Sônia, MD.

    CORONAVÍRUS — 📖 Dra. Sônia 🕊     CANAL GRATUITO no Telegram com INFORMAÇÕES, ESCLARECIMENTOS e NOTÍCIAS DIÁRIAS sobre a PANDEMIA por COVID-19:  prevenção,  vacinas,  tratamentos,  clínica,  epidemiologia,  ações governamentais e populares,  finanças,  economia,  política, direitos, deveres,  educação,  cultura,  meio ambiente e demais áreas do conhecimento e da ação _influenciadas pela epidemia ou que a influenciam._  Dicas para relaxar etc.

    Médica infectologista, sanitarista, com experiência numa pandemia prévia.


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