Media briefing on COVID-19


Media briefing on COVID-19 and Migrants Day


  1. You’ll pay in front of God for being part of this scamdemic to bring on the new world order.
    You care about people? How about finding a cure for cancer? 450.000 people died just last year in U.K…half million almost in one country and just one million from Covid all over the world!

  2. i was already disappointed in China but i wasn’t expecting that to get worse.

    China has reached a new looooooowest record 💨

  3. how about you guys visit the p4 lab in wuhan, the crematorims and hospitals in wuhan, oh wait china wont let you guys in.
    we all know where the ccp virus came from, its because of your lies and ccps lies which caused all this

  4. I was crushed when my lover of three month left to be with another girl. I cried and sobbed every day, until it got so bad that I reached out to the Internet for help. I threw away so much money, all for nothing. until I hit on the real thing. And that is you, dr enibokun You were different from all the rest spell caster that i have know. you are the diamond in the rough. Thank you from the depths of my soul! I am extremely happy now. I hope God blesses you as much as He has blessed me. Love, Caring. You can contact dr enibokun for any kind of help because is there to help you Via email: ( or WhatsApp him on: +2348110504338

  5. Serves WHO right, that’s what happens when you behave so naive with China! WHO WAKE UP! Don’t be fooled! Do something about it! You sided China at the beginning, now they throw you under the bus! WAKE UP!

  6. Lol jokes on you when China denied entries of WHO officials to investigate the virus. Honestly, no one trust this organization…

  7. Dr tam is a Chinese spy Trudeau must have great Chinese connection China has two Canadians and were glad to train them for cold weather climate communist we have no covid cases hospitals are empty Canada wide we need to stop our Crooked Canadian government 🇨🇦

  8. Quiero agradecer al Dr. Balogundr Herbs por la ayuda que me ha prestado al deshacerme de mi (VIH). Me diagnosticaron en julio de 2018, pero después del uso de las hierbas medicinales del Dr. Balogundr, me curé del (VIH) y el virus desapareció por completo de mi cuerpo. Los síntomas del virus (VIH) han desaparecido por completo. Por lo tanto, cualquier persona que tenga el virus debe comunicarse con el Dr. Balogundr hierbas para que le dé la medicina a base de hierbas para curarse. HERPES, puede contactar en Instagram @dr_ Balogundr_cure2 o contactar al número de WhatsApp (+33635896938) o al correo electrónico ( Él cura toda esta enfermedad. 1 cura para el cáncer 2 cura para la diabetes 3 zumbido en el oído 4 cura para el herpes 5 cura para las verrugas 6 cura para el VPH 7 el vih 8 recupera a tu ex 9 medicamentos a base de hierbas para el embarazo 10 agrandamiento de la próstata 11 hepatitis B 12 disfunción.

  9. It’s time to stop the lies and deceit. Stop this scam. The WHO is mostly funded by the biggest psychopath in the world, who wants the whole world to be chipped & vaccinated, but most of all wants te reduce the world population, by if we do a really good job, 20%.


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