Media briefing on COVID-19 with Dr Tedros



  1. มีผู้เสียชีวิตเป็ยอัน1ของโลก จากไวรัสโคโรนา จึงต้องมีการระงับ ด้วยเหตุผลต่างไป หลายอันประการ ที่สามารถหยุดเชื้อไวรัสนี้ได้ เช่น มีการรณรงค์ ปฏิบัติตามข้อกำหนดต่างไป อย่างเร่งด่วน รัดกุม สร้างความเข้มแข็ง เพื่อให้เกิดพลังในการต่อสู้กับไวรัสโคโรนา

  2. Las amiloidosis constituyen un grupo de enfermedades causadas por un depósito patológico extracelular de material proteico insoluble denominado amiloide que se acumula hasta producir atrofia y necrosis tisular, pudiendo afectar uno (localizada) o varios órganos (difusa o sistémica).

  3. Frase del día: El gatling gun parafrásetico.Constructivo cognitivo. Un hack trick a la pandemía. Albricias.

  4. When will this director general resign for all his kowtowing to China, causing the pandemic? And when will truth about the origin of the pandemic be investigated, not by the WHO that has lost its credibility?

  5. Sky News recently reported that the Wuhan Covid origin investigation is a failure for the following reasons:
    1. At least 3 of the investigators had previous connection with the Chinese authority and that any conclusion from the team is suspect.
    2. Wuhan lab refused to open its books regarding the first group of patients who contracted the virus.
    Will WHO clear the air regarding the conflict of interest concern by disclosing decision for selection of investigation team members and vetting process for each member.
    WHO may be aware that the US bioweapon lab at Fort Detrick was closed by CDC in the summer of 2919 due to violation of containment control. Around that time, outbreak of severe respiratory illnesses at old age homes of unknown cause were reported by ABC News. Also around that time, there were media reports that the severe respiratory illnesses may be due to vaping. CDC also stated that patient deaths around that time was misdiagnosed as flu. Given the above information, will the WHO request an investigation of the Fort Detrick lab as part of investigation of the origin of Covid 19?

  6. the federal government has programs like the (CICP) that keep vaccine makers and shot givers immune from liability. now thats immunity folks


  8. Conclusions and supporters of creativity and innovation in epidemic management in the latest COVID-19 Epidemic Conference video.

  9. I still can’t understand the WHO constant focus on Africa in relation to COVID-19,, when countries in Eastern Europe and South America are suffering from escalating COVID-19 deaths right now.

  10. Criminal responsible for millions of lives and destroyed families all over the world for covering up for China about this deadly virus.
    You refuse to use the P word until is spread all over the world. Aren’t you ashamed?! U should resign on your own if you have any shame!!

  11. Changes in matter, pathology, bacterial flora due to their improper condition, or caused by the overgrowth of viral and pathogens, or to find conditions suitable for them to survive.Thank you for all.


    Monchai Phon Yot

  12. လေထုဟာ ပရိုတိန်းထိန်းညိှ. ဖို့အင်အားလျော့လာပြီဟိုမုန်း. တွေအတွက်ရေမြေထုတ်လွတ်. မှုတ ဖြေးဖြေးဆုတ်ယုတ်လာ. ပြီအသွင် ပြောင်းဗိုင်းရပ်ဟာ
    ပရိုတိန်းထိန်းညိှ ဗီတာမင်. ဟိုမုန်းတွေရေလေမြေဓာတ်

  13. For Italy and perhaps also for other countries.
    Here is how Covid deaths are ascertained and calculated in our country, I publish the excerpt of a document taken from the website of the Istituto Superiore di Sanita, which in some way, as you will understand, has to do directly with the old and new restrictions :

    “… Characteristics of patients who died positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection in Italy – Data as of March 1, 2021
    1. Distribution of deaths by region – This report describes the characteristics of 96,149 patients who died and positive for SARS-CoV-2 in Italy reported by the Integrated Surveillance COVID-19 coordinated by the National Institute of Health (ISS). Table 1 shows the geographical distribution of deaths according to the three phases that characterized the pandemic from the beginning to March 1, 2021: the first wave (March-May 2020), the phase of low incidence (June-September 2020), and the second wave (October 2020 – March 2021), the latter still ongoing … “.

    It is interesting to note that here, as in all the other documents that I have been able to consult up to now, they never speak of people who died “because of” Sars-Cov-2, but rather of deceased people who were “positive” for Sars- Cov-2.

    So, if the logical analysis of language still makes sense, no one could substantially argue that a person who was “positive” at Covid died only for this “because” of Covid.
    Now I also better understand the nature of a Covid death certificate made public by a relative of a deceased person:

    a) “The body must be considered positive”
    b) “Cause of death: indeterminate”

  14. Use of informal and formal language of communication For good purpose To promote and create solutions to problems that exist or should be present in various agendas and / or conditions.


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