President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Rebuilding of America’s Infrastructure


President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Rebuilding of America’s Infrastructure: Faster, Better, Stronger

Atlanta, GA


  1. Pray For USA.
    God bless Trump and America
    You are our hope and you are like a token of blessing to us (the other countries) as like a rainbow of Promises of Our God.

  2. God bless you ,Mr.PRÄSIDENT ! Thank,you,very much ! GREATEST , Donald Trump ! The good work,you do for Amerika & Germany & Worldwide ! Love you ,form Germany ! Wwg1wgA & Q ! Wonderful to see ! 🙂

  3. This president have build NEW YORK nearly from ground zero to what thats is today think on how new York looks like in 70s and 80 s he build US like what new york are today . But N.Y have one traitor Andrew Cuomo he Will destroy N.Y

  4. I don’t think so. We are going to defeat this virus? When? And, at what cost for human lives? Something is wrong. Why do you retain and than fire so many people on your team? Why do you pardon so many that were convicted for doing wrong but supported you. Your poll numbers are decreasing. Should you lie, cheat and steal the election, you will still have a mess in your nest. Yes, you just did talk about the 2016 election. You are not a truthful person. Russia & North Korea are laughing at you. Yet, you represent a few of us. Goodbye. It’s already predicted that you won’t be able to handle the 2020 election. By that I mean, either way!

  5. USA Bastion of the Free World…to quote my Grandmother God Bless Her
    She went through two World Wars in North of France and never failed
    to remind me how The USA had saved Europe and Freedom.Those who
    left tyranny behind should always be thankful to have been allowed to find
    a new home in the USofA…President Trump is looking out for his fellow working
    class Americans and for the values they uphold…Good Faith America!

  6. Excellent speech President Trump, thank you for all your hard work and excellent Leadership👍🇺🇸

    Thank you UPS for your hard work to defeat the coronavirus.

  7. Ladies & Gentlemen, watch out for the greatest of all contests! November 3rd: ‘Law & Order’ versus ‘The Thugs’.

    The Contenders are:
    1 – ON MY RIGHT – Law & Order: Président Donald J Trump, All Lives Matter, the GOP, the RNC, the Tea Party, the Patriots, the NRA, Law Enforcement, the Blue Collar workers, the American Citizens, the Evangelicals and the Catholics, AMERICA FIRST supporters!
    2 – ON MY FAR LEFT – « The Thugs »: Vice President Sleepy Joe Biden, Black Lives Matter, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Mainstream Media, the Socialist & Communist Democrats, MS13, the Drug Cartels, the Child Molesters, the Human Traffickers, the Looters & Arsonists, Pencil Neck & his Gang of Outlaws, the DNC and the sucking up RINOs.

    Place your bets NOW! And Good luck!

  8. Our President needs camera crews that focus on what he directs. Did you see that the camera did not show the dramatic board he directed attention to?

  9. 💞🇺🇸🎈☆🌟💜⭐🎈☆🇺🇸🎈⭐💞


  10. Vicious Dems are destroying my country since they offer nothing but chaos. China loves Joe Biden so much that they bought the whole family. This president has our backs, he will reignite the economy. Vote for patriots/Republicans not politicians. Positive patriots love America and Dems want to destroy it. I can’t imagine anyone in his right mind voting for corrupt old senile Joe Biden, “You ain’t black if you vote for Trump”. Well I’m Black and proud to vote for Trump because I love my country.Biden and Pelosi support riots and antifa chaos.

  11. President Trump makes every speech informative, personal and fun. He is such a hard worker for Americans and our way of life.

  12. I LOVE this PRESIDENT & the UPS ppl are so LOVEY & honest thank u for your service. ALWAYS IN TIME & ALWAYS LOVELY, I know bkz I used lots of your service when I lived in the U.S.A. – LOS ANGELES.

  13. MUCH BETTER – Oslo Sheep = 911 😉
    TOO SMART – Sheep NINE – Sealed (1985) = 911.
    TOO SMART – Sheep NINE – Omen (1985) = 911.
    Old Red Dragon – Refuse = 911.
    Old Red Dragon – Refuse – Great Beast light = 1776.

    Serpent Red Dragon – Chained = 911.
    Serpent Red Dragon – Chained – Great Beast light = 1776.

    Microchips In Saints = 911.
    Microchips In Saints – Great Beast light = 1776.

    Face Masks Of Dark Lord OMEN = 666.
    Face Masks Of Dark Lord OMEN – Great Beast TRUMP Dark Lord = 1776.

    Burn dead Saints = 666.
    Burn dead Saints – Great Beast TRUMP Dark Lord = 1776.

    To the eternal flames = 666.
    To the eternal flames – Great Beast TRUMP Dark Lord = 1776.

    Mar-A-Lago – Mansion 666 Beast = 666.
    Mar-A-Lago – Mansion 666 Beast – Great Beast TRUMP Dark Lord = 1776.

    Mar-A-Lago – The Dark Lord & Dark Child = 911.
    Mar-A-Lago – The Dark Lord & Dark Child – Great Beast light = 1776.

    Mar-A-Lago – The Beast and Horned Lamb – Omen = 911.
    Mar-A-Lago – The Beast and Horned Lamb – Sealed = 911.

    Mar-A-Lago – The Beast = 888.
    Mar-A-Lago – The Beast – Donald J Trump = 1776.

    BOEING 757 – Dark Lord Jet = 666. .
    BOEING 757 – Dark Lord Jet – Golden TRUMP light = 1776.

    Rothschild`s – Dark Lord = 911.
    Rothschild`s – Dark Lord – Great Beast nr nine = 1776.
    Rothschild`s – Dark Lord – Great Beast light = 1776.

    Dark Lord Father – Donald John Trump Sr = 1776.
    Dark Lords Son – Donald John Trump Sr = 1776.
    Plague from – Donald John Trump Sr = 1776.
    Pale Horse – Donald John Trump Sr = 1776.

  14. LOOK AT – RIGHT EYE KING = 911.
    Look at = 444.
    Look at – King Thor Haakon Sandberg = 1776.
    Look at – Donald John Trump Sr = 1776.

  15. 👍MR. PRESIDENT TRUMP FOR 2020-2024👍

  16. Why no bullet proof shield ..HELP HELP time to sweep the Whitehouse for fear of life and limb he has no shield..don’t say you don’t know wtf im saying!!!

  17. Each morning I wake up, thank the Lord for a new day, check to see if my goldfish are OK, then check to see if Trump is dead yet.

  18. Yes Be careful. Voting Fraud with JW #TRUMP I renember sending War Word II Museum In New Orleans. I sent 14 Letters this Month. I am late with my other Letters from you Dear President Trump and our cause. Gid Bless you President Donald J. Trump. #TRUMP2020 Dr. Curson is in the next Video. I will watch it maybe later on.#MAGAC #NAGAR. YES

  19. Sir ThankQ, Mr. President, God Bless you and God Bless America, love the USA, 🇺🇸 from a widow of a Vietnam veteran. 💕🙏♥️

  20. Ghost Of Red Mist – Horned One = 911.
    GO – Dose Of Hope For Saint Of NINE = 911.
    Talent Of Satan = 888.
    Talent Of Satan – The Number NINE = 1776.
    Talent Of Satan – Donald J Trump = 1776.

    The Talented One = 888.
    The Talented One – The Number NINE = 1776.
    The Talented One – Donald J Trump = 1776.
    The Seer – Thor Haakon = 911.
    The Seer – Thor Haakon – Great Beast Light = 1776.

    Bring Lord God – Thor Haakon = 911.
    Bring Lord God – Thor Haakon – Great Beast Light = 1776.

    We are 911 Dark Lord = 911.
    We are 911 Dark Lord – Great Beast Light = 1776.

    Self Sacrificed – June 1946 Omen = 911.
    Self Sacrificed – June 1946 Omen – Great Beast Light = 1776.

    Self Sacrifice – Dark Lord = 666.
    Self Sacrifice – Dark Lord – Golden TRUMP Light = 1776.

    NO Self Sacrifice – Dark Lord = 666.
    NO Self Sacrifice – Dark Lord – Great Beast TRUMP Dark Lord = 1776.

  21. ⛅🗽I just wanna see the sun shine tomorrow diamond label vision of
    before life the source of success is illuminati face the new order de
    future not history EMEN! Mafia Life Dream Chases Washington D.C. United
    States of AMERICA is Loyalty illuminaty we some success God bless UNITED
    STATES. We bless être dad God @ Shemhamforash! 🙏🏾@🤘🏾

  22. When I visited America about two years ago….I couldn’t find anything in departmental stores anything made in America.. I was socked… everything including kitchenware were from China only…it’s time to change that.

  23. there is a world of invisibles that sees President Trump as the last peak to hold on to for salvation. God assist the President and the voters give her confidence and strength.

  24. Earthly buildings and human construction lead only to doom. Spend your energy in searching and obeying God who is the One who has control of everything created.

  25. 51% vote in the Senate will get that Payroll Tax Passed ! Small businesses need it badly so do it! Don’t blame it’s loss on Democrats only!


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