President Trump Remarks on the Repatriation of Native American Remains and Artifacts from Finland


The White House


  1. I love how you, Mr President, have shared all the good that has wanted to move forward for Years, but was held back. Thank you for breaking through all the blocks, so that goodness and love can cover the world!

  2. Thank you Mr Trump and all your doing as President with your team. Prays that God strength you and your team also keeps you well and safe in Jesus might name Amen

  3. We want a Supreme Court justice now the democrats will go crazy like I said God doesn’t like ugly here you go Mr.. President This is the spear in the Democratic Party god has given you another pro life pick

  4. 白鐵.鈦金屬.是國際工業富康起源. 大家好.別被拜登騙了.終言.

  5. 🔘 He should also revisit the treaties with Native Americans, including the unjust takeover of what is now called Oklahoma. The USA should treat the
    Na Diné Nation(aka Navajo Nation) as a real sovereign nation amd not some kind of joke as have previous US presidents done. These indigenous Nations should have the true sovereign right to arrest, hold trial, and Jail suspected criminals on their land.

  6. Mr President, i hear your gracious words of thanks and recognition during every speech i have listened to, here on YouTube. Our country is in good hands, under your watch, and along with being a stellar Commander in Chief, you are a true gentleman. Your heart is strong, and good. I say thank YOU for your service, sir !!

  7. Finally, thank you President Trump for going above and beyond what others neglected to do. You are worthy of several Nobel Peace Prize nominations!

  8. Dios habla x medio de la profecía
    Dios sana libertad hace milagros Dios vivi en espíritu es verdadero Dios gobierna la idmji mira Fundación x todo el mundo
    La obra lo hace el diablo es un espíritu Nuestro señor Jesucristo sana el virus
    La vacuna es llegar a la Iglesia de Dios Ministerial Jesucristo internacional
    Www idmji org. Oficial
    Dios habla x medio de la profecía
    Dios sana libertad hace milagros Dios vivi en espíritu es verdadero Dios gobierna la idmji mira Fundación x todo el mundo
    La obra lo hace el diablo es un espíritu Nuestro señor Jesucristo sana el virus
    La vacuna es llegar a la Iglesia de Dios Ministerial Jesucristo internacional
    Www idmji org. Oficial

  9. Now Mr President,,be a President, and create STATES for the Indians, where they can live by their own rules!! Give them seats in Congress, and the Senate!!!!!!

  10. We have two choices on Election day here in the USA. Do we want our jobs and industry back in the good old USA. Or do we want China to control US. We cannot allow the demo rats to get back in office. come election day ALL demo rats need to be voted out of office including mitt Romney he’s a Republican a worthless one at that.

  11. hotcool= may Dr. Sigmund Freud  Dr. Carl Jung [ Dr. Martin Seligman +++] wish for World Peace through Peaceful Healthy Mind come-True = thank you
    Thank you for teaching me= +++ (Prof, Martin Seligman APA [ICAP 2017])
    Faithful student
    Gihan panditha
    hotcool = if science destroys environment then science can save the environment =thank you Hotcool= good job Mr. Pres. Trump nice Red Tie ++ =nice mention of – personal hygiene & self-care related to covid 19 as a public measure = together we go to a future on one has gone before =thank you

  12. This Man Covers ALL Subjects! NO One is Left Behind !!!!!🙏Truly !!!!!💪 Looks Out !!! .. For ALL🇺🇸 AMERICANS !!!!!!!!!


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