Voices from countries 2020 progress report Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives & Well-being for All


Summary video of key member state interventions from the launch event of the 2020 progress report on the Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-being for All.


  1. Oh by the way don’t you mean to starve innocent people to achieve you evil satanist plan sorry I wont go with your plan idiot!

  2. Surprisingly, This year,(as MANY have stated since the CVD-19 Plandemic started)
    The Common cold/Flu Rates Have Dropped Dramatically In An Uncanny, Unheard Of, Outstanding & Miraculous Rate by Upwards of OVER NINTY PERCENT 90%!!! Over a Dozen Countries, & Counting, Has Shown NO Outbreaks of the Common Cold/Flu virus?? All with Simular symptoms, or the exact same, is defined “COVID-19 AKA-Coronavirus, which means in a 1989 medical book,,,common cold!?
    This truly is A Miraculous Event with the Drastic Drop in Rates ALL ACROSS THE WORLD! The common cold/flu is NO more!
    It’s A Miracle!!

    What’s that Lord, it’s not? Then Lord what is it?
    “MY Child,, I say Unto You this Riddle for one to ponder on, of an Greater Significance then the Devils Evils Doings in fooling the world through Television!?”

    My Lord, please tell me?

    “Why would One, who leads the Worlds World Health Organization, with his Every Word being hung into as if his next will cure an illness that only exist in ones Mind! Why is this particular man,,,
    Not a doctor,
    Not a nurse,
    not a student of said field,
    & NEVER attended any college classes in said above fields,
    & has NO Plans found saying he is or planning to!?”
    But, attends yearly 8 hour refresher classes that he’s been seen leaving, before hour one is up!!”

    Is there more Father?

    “But, I say Unto you these Truths,,,
    So please my son,,,listen closely?
    The President/Leaser of the W.H.O. does make appearances a plenty, to this day & Has been seen out in many bars & Male Strip Clubs with MANY other faculty members, Under his Watch & Command.
    my son, is there more to this particular Cross-dressers story on his drinking &! Strange Acting Behavior & Creepy Fetishes?

    Disclaimer Inspired by Gods mighty Truth!

    “Carefully search more then one Search Engine (‘Duck Duck Go’ is NON Bias in ALL search results, for instance) when Looking for Truths or Wanting to get more details on a story , My boy? Never mislead Anyone with False accusations & Ignorance, as the W.H.O. Champions!!”

    I Will Father! I truly believe this to!
    Is there more Lord? I have to think the Beat your saving for last?

    “Very Perceptive, My man!”
    After Nightly gatherings of ‘Drink & kinky Fetishes” That Truly ‘No One needs to hear,
    doubt this?
    so you, yourself
    May research, triple check & look into by independent sources & perhaps main news streams?”
    “Lastly, you have to keep THESE TRUTHS IN MIND,? Especially as his staff comes in daily & Tries ONCE Again to Cure, what has yet to be correctly defined not’r Isolated!?
    Then Back out again they go, 17 different occasion in July,
    “to bar & fetish Freakville! “
    Each Employee/Suck-Up, doing as their ‘Fear Mongering Poser of intelligence’ ’ Leader does! Dressing in Woman’s attire & has on So many Occasions been seen Living the bar & Cross-Dressing Life as so Many Desperate, Fear Loving Individual cling to his every Word, His Every Bad breath!?
    in anticipation for hm/her/whoever so called medical staff looks for a cure, to an Un-defined & Non-Isolated, So called Non-Lethal to 99.6-99.8% of the ENTIRE Worlds Population ,,,Virus!?

    I beg all of you to look into ALL this. You will Find Many Unusual & Telling stories in the Leader & some staff from the W.H.O.?!

    Also, i Very Much Love our father & Maker of All who’s son will save us through our Faith, Our Belief in him, as the Only way to the Father & Heaven so we all can live forever in the New Earth & Heavens he’s promised us when this life is done.
    I was kidding here with the story as far as Blasphemy goes, this is Not That! I love each of you. We have a shot now, with our Faith, to experience eternal Joy & Everlasting Happiness. But, as yesterday is a memory, soon also, will it be the case for each of us with our Fate sealed.
    We need warriors to Fight for God! Your being Tested NOW for your position in his Kingdom to come.
    Bad & Good, happen to us all, for we are Always being tested to prove our loyalty & Love, in so many unthinkable way?

    When one makes a new invention & finishes this, What now to do afterwards? When putting a product up for sale, it has to be tested first to ensure quality .
    Then the product needs to have a descriptive means to answer any questions the Buyer/User may have in operating &/or Using said Product.
    Sometimes, we Ignore them entirely?
    Sometimes, We read just enough(we think) to get product ready to use.
    But Sometimes, we read it from start to finish. Follow along as the inventor intended, so beat to be used.

    This, is true also with us!

    The Holy Bible is the operators manual on how to live & be a Good person in the eyes of God! This life will be done as quick as it started! Gif Lives us all! He’s reaching out to each of us and giving us all a chance at redemption through his son, our aLord & Savior. The Bible, when using your common sense & critical thinking skills as you read, gives many answers & has you asking many more we”lol all get the answers to after this life is through It is a Good Book, to help us in our daily life struggles we may sooner or later ourself experience. Many, in the Science Cult, have rejected the Bible. Most just think the Big Bang isnplausable(Everything from a Nothing, No Way! This world we all are going into will be different. Then many questions will be answered just by realizing this after our new Earth is Experienced by those who live the good life accordingly. I’m a sinner, just trying to do what I feel in my heart is right, regardless of anyone who may read this. I know your life is hard, mine is to. Together Bothers & Sisters, We Are String!

    MAY Our Lord & Savior Bless you, In your ONE life, as you look for Peace, Live & Truth & All Questions You May Be Seeking.


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