What to expect when your child is vaccinated (:30) | How Vaccines Work


What should parents expect after their child’s vaccine visit?

Find out how baby Jack’s mom and dad comfort him after a checkup where he was vaccinated, part of #HowVaccinesWork.

Baby Jack has some pain, redness and swelling where he got his shots. These are all common reactions that will soon go away. His mom uses a cool, wet cloth to help him feel better.

Serious reactions to #vaccines are very rare. But, Jack’s parents will call his doctor if they notice anything that concerns them.

Like all parents, Jack’s mom and dad become a little upset that he is uncomfortable after he gets his shots; but when they think about the risk of Jack becoming sick from any of the 14 vaccine-preventable #diseases, they know it’s worth it to protect him in the long run.

Learn more about childhood immunization by visiting https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/parents/childhood-vaccines/ or talk with your child’s doctor.

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