WHO’s Science in 5 on COVID-19 – Children & COVID-19 – 22 January 2021


Science in 5 series – episode #22 / Are the symptoms of COVID-19 different in children? Do the new variants impact children differently? What can parents do to keep children safe from COVID-19. WHO’s Dr Maria Van Kerkhove explains in Science in 5.
Science in 5 is WHO’s conversations in science. Watch WHO experts explain science related to COVID-19.
To learn more about the closing and reopening of schools during COVID-19 watch this episode of Science in 5: https://youtu.be/2Dy7dVm7qVE


  1. My 6 yo is attending school on campus, which was our family’s choice. Our school district shows only 1 in 5,000 test positive. 500 enrolled in my child’s school, but only less than 50 going on campus, plenty of opportunities for more social distancing, right? Well, she comes home saying she couldn’t play on the playground because of COVID-19. One of my other concerns during these times is how adults applying fear will affect children.

  2. If people can’t afford to buy mask use surgical tape to restrict their volume of voice. Probably they can suppress infection. Hopefully!

  3. Children are playing happily, some dirt for children is healthy and boosts their immune systems. The only people suffering are the old and sick that governments leaves to die by not allowing curing drugs.

    criminals acting like they care.
    Stay safe from stupidity everyone.

  4. Please advice the general public against using masks with exhalation valves. Many people are using these masks due to ignorance.


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