WHO’s Science in 5 on COVID-19: Vaccines, variants & herd immunity


Episode #27

As new variants emerge people are wondering if they should wait until a more efficacious vaccine is available or if they should go ahead and get vaccinated now? Answering your questions on COVID-19 vaccines and variants in this episode of Science in 5 is WHO’s Dr Soumya Swaminathan.


  1. 4:57 I know this is true and all. But we have heard that a billion times now! We all know that have a mask on, social distancing and alot more will be here for a long time. The only reason they keep saying it, is because they are so scared that people will forget it, and then there will be hige cases in alot of countries.

  2. God whispered to Eka Yudistira, My key to being close to God is “Sentence Structure Syahadat”
    The Sentence Structure is All-Encompassing

  3. Dit is er aan de hand. Sars-CoV-2 A Weaponized Prion Disorder Disquised as Respiratory Disease. Hier werken groot machten als China, Rusland en Amerika al jaren in het geheim aan en is helaas ontsnapt uit een biolab in Wohan.

  4. Aan deze militaire natte droom die volledig geheim en verboden ondezoek bevat ga je niet gelijk dood . Parkingson, Altzheimer, mad cow zijn door prion veroorzaakte ziektes die pas over 2 jaar zich breed gaan manifesteren. Nu snap je de Angst van overheden.


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