09/30/20: President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure


The White House


  1. For the first time after one of the greatest operations that took place in the United States of America, the assassination of former US President Abraham Lincoln

  2. #NTDTVJP #ニュース解説 #米大統領選
    米大統領選の候補者バイデン氏、親子のスキャンダル続出|なるほどTHE NEWS
    1,480 回視聴•2020/10/02

    チャンネル登録者数 22.2万人


  3. Hotcool = Buddhist Arya Sinhala ( lion people of Sri Lanka the land of Buddhist-tooth-Tuskers [king elephants] )= greeting = AYUBOVAN – Wish all for long life + rebirth = have you ever seen holy ghost fights in the religions section in any library ?/?= just like flowers Life [+human] blossom & wither away= What will happen to “Me & Mine” when “I” die =Om Buddha= hotcool = who is 666??? is he a friend gods with 3yx ??? =in the moon-shot the Earth looks like blue-ball = Mars- rocks and dust =if Jesus comes please do not kill him= just learn=peace-no ww3= thank you
    Hotcool = today is Adhi Vap full moon day – history says that Load Gautama Buddha next Buddha to be Maître Bodhisattva (some 2500 year ago) to be next Buddha [ on a day like today] = may there be peace and harmony of the mind in all realms of life= thank you
    Hotcool=History suggests that lack of common good-social tolerance, order & discipline as reason for the fall of powerful regimes of the world = be nice safe smart= thank you
    hotcool= evidence of insecurities caused by magical-thinking related to religious believes as a reason for violence = forensics psych ++=peace please = thank you hotcool= may Dr. Sigmund Freud – Dr. Carl Jung [ Dr. Martin Seligman [ICAP 2017]+++] wish for World Peace through Peaceful Healthy Mind come-True = good job Mr. Pres. Trump nice Red Tie ++ = thank you

  4. 菅新内閣の対中外交とは!

  5. you should use water orange let prevent corona because it has vitami c very well for your health and rest . i used and succeede in the time i’m sick (NT)

  6. Write-in candidate for president.
    I am not a politician. I’m an American.
    BRING BACK  A FREE AMERICA VOTE JARED WILLIAM LANDRY FOR PRESIDENT AND CHANGE THE WORLD DOING IT 2020/2024.  I consider myself a Democratically Independent Republican.  I First and foremost I believe in the constitution of the United States of AMERICA. I Believe  in its values and how it represents all. I will abide by the law only. America is a republic and will remain so.  My name is Jared William Landry. I am  41 years old. My former occupation: Private Investigator, Bodyguard, Bail Enforcement Agent, Executive Protection Officer, Security Officer, Recovery Agent, Head of your Private SWAT Team as well as a doing drug interdiction as a CI for the better part of 16 years. Education a quick note I only finished 5th grade at 12 years of age attained a job installing hardwood floors, by the age of 13 I graduated Ground School Aviation. At the age of sixteen I had a company vehicle with Seiler Plumbing and Heating and Cooling Westby Wisconsin. I build my own home in that time when I turn Twenty-One I decide to attend college at WWTC in Fennimore Wisconsin. I obtained 68 college in Criminal Justice and attended Police Academy.  Of which I was the top student. I finished my schooling at WWTC in 2008. And 2013 I applied to Viterbo University. Having told them what I have done they would offer me a scholarship if I were to go get my GED.  In 2018 I obtained 68 college credits in criminal justice and  attended police academy.  In 2013 I obtained GED and attended Viterbo University.
    Education: Arson Investigator, Hazmat/Weapons of Mass Destruction Anti-Terrorism, Firearm Proficiency Training Basics, Security Training, Executive Protection Training, Bail Enforcement Training, NARK II  DRUG Identification, Private Investigator Basic, First Responder Wisconsin Standards plus CPR, Community Policing, Impaired-Driving, eEmotional Survival for Law Enforcement, DWI Detection, Language Lab, Policing in America, Legal Context, Tactical Skills, Relational Skill, Patrol Procedures, Investigation Police Academy, Interview of Witness, Constitutional Law Juvenile Law, Pyychology, Ground School Aviation . Family: Most of my family has taken an active role in today’s society / politics. From my uncle being mayor of a major city, to my father being a people’s Advocate. My family has always had an interest in helping others. My father has always served his community as well as his country. At the age of 17 my father would leave for Vietnam as a boy but returning man. He has spent 10 years on a major fire department Lafayette Louisiana. Where he he made captain in six short years. My grandfather and my uncle served on the same department for many years. My father showed me that if I work hard anything was possible.
    I want you to know I’m here to work hard for you as a man of the people for the people. I believe dearly in my country  please help me to CHANGE THE WORLD.  VOTE JARED WILLIAM LANDRY AS A WRIGHT IN CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT 2020. ITS TIME TO LIBERATE OUR WORLD.  VOTE JARED WILLIAM LANDRY FOR PRESIDENT AND CHANGE THE WORLD DOING IT.  I PROMISE I WILL PUT LAW ENFORCEMENT IN IT’S PLACE.  I WILL HAVE TRUMP TRIED FOR MANSLAUGHTER.  I WILL STOP ALL OF IT.  Please help me to spread the word. ..
    When I say something I will do it.
    It is important that you know there will be no more money made on human lives. It stops now people will receive the medical attention that they need. Whether it be a broken toe are open heart transplant. Let it be known your loved ones will receive the care that they need.
    There will be education for all that seek to better their lives. Education is the foundation for a better brighter future for anyone that is willing. therefore if you apply yourself you will be able to attend any college you desire.
    Pollution will stop. There will be no more the depletion of our natural resources. Meaning we will become 100% green energy country there will be a future for our children and our children’s children. I will not only put an end to big oil. I will be taking down all nuclear power plants. This will not only insure our future.  It will create millions of new jobs and bring in a new era of technical jobs that pay.
    The time has come to take the drugs off the street.  There’s no reason for children to be subjected to things like drugs. In this day and age they have enough on their plate. It is it’s time we help people that have a drug problem. We can’t keep filling the jails with our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles. Doing this has not been nor will ever be a solution it is only dragging us down as a nation.
    At the end of the day be assured that your hard work was not in vain. You will keep what you earn. The days of paying income tax on your hard work or over. The wages of yesterday will not support the needs of today therefore you will be earning a fair wage that will support you and your family.
    I will impose a flat tax on everything we buy. Excluding food and food products.
    I will take the federal government out of play on the issue with marijuana.  I will ask that all states legalize and tax it appropriately.  At the same time giving an average individual the chance to own and operate a dispensary. The days of a few Monopolizing an industry are over.
    I intend to turn every home in America into it’s own power plant.
    Giving every American a chance to have a little more. 
    It’s time that we take control of our government.  I intend to cut government by half.  There is no need to to employ lazy criminals/politicians.  American’s have to work everyday. Therefore so should the politicians we employ. 
    As for the bad men of the world you are done. There will be no more terrorizing people. Anywhere. My first day in office will be dealing  with the  chaos that has taken  place in our country.  I guarantee everyone will return to their homes willingly. War will end and the killing will stop. There will be WORLD peace. …………………….
    I’m willing to be interviewed by anyone. 
    I am willing to have a debate with both president Trump and Joe Biden. I guarantee that there will be a base income until the government pulls their heads out of their…. VOTE for the American party.  ….. ….


  8. Hi Mr. President Trump
    Dear Sir how are you doing!?!?!?
    I wish you all a happy Adhi Vap Poya Day
    BREAKING: President Trump gives URGENT address to the nation as he heads to Walter Reed Hospital 259,160 views•Oct 3, 2020 Hotcool = Buddhist Arya Sinhala ( lion people of Sri Lanka the land of Buddhist-tooth-Tuskers [king elephants] )= greeting = AYUBOVAN – Wish all for long life + rebirth = have you ever seen holy ghost fights in the religions section in any library ?/?= just like flowers Life [+human] blossom & wither away= What will happen to “Me & Mine” when “I” die =Om Buddha= hotcool = who is 666??? is he a friend gods with 3yx ??? =in the moon-shot the Earth looks like blue-ball = Mars- rocks and dust =if Jesus comes please do not kill him= just learn=peace-no ww3= thank you Hotcool = 1 oct 2020 is Adhi Vap full moon day – history says that Load Gautama Buddha blessed next Buddha to be Maître Bodhisattva (some 2500 year ago) to be next Buddha [ on a day like today] = may there be peace and harmony of the mind in all realms of life= thank you Hotcool =- there is some evidence of cure on covid19 victims in Sri Lanka= I wish well for President & family = thank you Hotcool =om namo amitabaya -Boddhaya dhammaya sangaya bo-tree & sthyam = om sri rama veera vibishana sri Krishna haro hara = om shanthi = thank you Hotcool=History suggests that lack of common good-social tolerance, order & discipline as reason for the fall of powerful regimes of the world = be nice safe smart= thank you hotcool= evidence of insecurities caused by magical-thinking related to religious believes as a reason for violence = forensics psych ++=peace please = thank you hotcool= may Dr. Sigmund Freud – Dr. Carl Jung [ Dr. Martin Seligman [ICAP 2017]+++] wish for World Peace through Peaceful Healthy Mind come-True = good job Mr. Pres. Trump nice Red Tie ++ = thank you

    Loving kindness meditation LKM [Compassion meditation]=Positive Psychology-(American Psychological Association –APA)=
    May I be- Happy, healthy, smart & live in peace Etc., (Repeat 5 times)
    May You Be Happy-healthy, smart & live in peace Etc., (Repeat 5 times)
    May ones who like me be Happy-healthy, smart & live in peace Etc., (Repeat 5 times)
    May ones are neutral to me- be Happy-healthy, smart & live in peace Etc., (Repeat 5 times)
    May every being + [gods & dogs]be- Happy-healthy, smart & live in peace Etc., (Repeat 5 times)
    May I be- Happy-healthy, smart & live in peace Etc., (Repeat 5 times)
    Thank you for teaching me=++++++ (Prof, Martin Seligman APA [ICAP 2017])
    Faithful student
    Gihan panditha

  9. Although the Dark Prince Satan’s partitioned spirit has succeeded to invade and possess the every single body of the Chinese communists’, and they, the infected ones are going further trying to invade and possess the every single body of gentlemen’ and ladies’ of the free world’s, We, the clean survivors, must fight and stand united against His, the Satan’s invading and possessing attempts in order to deliver our souls ascending to the Heaven and being with the Lord eternally.

  10. The Supreme Truth is not allowed to be debated into Non-Supreme One, otherwise, the automatic plus self operating system called the law of causality will befall scourge onto the one who has tried debating the Supreme Truth into Non-Supreme One. Attention: “Everybody is Equal in front of the Law of Causality”.

  11. Eternity is not an exclusive patent only for particular persons but for every sentient being, therefore, be brave and sincere to admit one’s past mistakes and correct it, if so then the eternity with joy and peace can certainly be true reality one day.

  12. Eternity is not conferred by some Holy One to you but you have already owned it for the past, present and future time, if not so then it can’t be regarded as Eternity which means eternally exist for all times, so that to pray to some unknown being for attaining the Eternity is unnecessary at all, nevertheless, you pray to some Holy One for guiding you the way to reach the Holy State is helpful and useful indeed.

  13. It is hard to expect there come joy and peace with us always and yet there are just threat and danger surrounding us always, because we are so used to practice evil deeds without any self consciousness always, so how come we be with joy and peace always? nevertheless, True Holy Teachings is right here and there waiting for us to pick it up, follow it and practice it diligently, but shall we begin accepting it first?

  14. May God bless and watch over you President Trump, Melania Trump, your family and your loyal fans and loyal Republicans members. Please get well soon

  15. $750 taxes — Smart!!! Right. So will we still be seeing no-mask Rallys? What BULLSHIT! I am a WELD REPUBLICAN. I have many democrat friends – NONE are socialists, communists or radical leftists. He hasn’t said one word on what he will do if elected. Where is his platform? Continue to not wear masks? Continue with Atlas, who isn’t an epidemiologist? What will replace ACA? Nothing????
    Vote Biden! Trump is a nutcase!

  16. 中国コロナ『集団免疫は達成された。今こそ政策転換をして経済活性化!』ゲスト:京都大学大学院医学研究科特定教授 
    マスクは形だけの物 窓を開けて喚起しても無駄 アクリル板を隔てても意味はない
    休息が必要 38度の熱を出して寝て2日間休んで2日経ち治れば抗体ができて同等のコロナに30年はかからない

  17. Trump knew COVID-19 was worse than the flu, and deadly, and he did nothing. Check this video out:

    Fool me once, shame on you. … https://youtu.be/TyynkloSbSY

    Join: ProSe Party
    To protect and enhance the rights of the U.S. citizen. https://www.facebook.com/ceciljamesroth/

    I am not voting for Trump because of the lies he’s said, the wrongs he’s done, the promises not kept, and he does not care about the concerns of the common citizen. Trump only cares about his own interests and friends that can help him.

    Be part of the solution,
    Not part of the problem.
    Help vote out Trump – Copy and Share.

  18. Trump has been compromised, that’s why he lies so much, I mean who is Antifa? lol really there’s no evidence of any Antifa existence

  19. Joe Biden running is funding Antifa, it was a group created in the ending year of the Obamma administration as a traveling activist group. They have become a terrorist group against republicans. I kept seeing them show up to the rallies, the protests, ever since 2016 and before, they have been meeting and practicing what they do. They have military tactics coordinating their travel and who is paying for all that Airfare! Look into the Obamma 2012 Fairness in Reporting Act addendum Obamma added which can not be taken away the way it was written is why people are allowed to post any opinion even if it’s a far-fetched-hunch – which is exactly the way they use their questions against republicans. They have been practicing acts of shame including Biden and his body language laughing and not looking eye to eye when Trump speaks. Contempt shows even when Biden is not in a mindless rage over fake news, which is distant most remote Hunch on Republican News!

  20. From The Bible, Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. We shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump.❤❤❤To run my(our) Paradise World~Trump❤❤❤

  21. Prayers and Best Wishes for you Mr President
    Glad to know you are going well with covid 19
    You are a Brave, Brave Man Sir
    Respect and Support forever from Australia

  22. Taiwanese should unleash and expand all its own advantages and merits, such as serving as a front-line defender of democracy and human rights, and taking the initiative and be active to try its best to eventually unify and rule the China, Small Taiwan can definitely overcome and take over the big China if its spiritual value is really more lofty and powerful than the communist’s low-grade and beastly only-material value. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05m5ON7XfWA

  23. ME – The Bees and the honey = 911.
    The Bees fear “Mad Child” = 888.
    The Bees fear “Mad Child” – The number nine = 1776.
    The Bees fear “Mad Child” – Donald J Trump = 1776.
    The Bees and The Beasts “NEED” Chosen = 911.
    The Bees The Beast and ONE = 666.
    The Bees The Beast and ONE – Thor Haakon the half lizard = 1776
    The Bees “ONE” and The Beast – Great Beast TRUMP dark Lord = 1776.
    The Bees The Beast and magical child “Legion NINE” = 911.

  24. I watched the MSM try and spin the First Lady’s private phone call into something it WAS NOT and they only made me admire, respect and love her more! And I’m looking forward to Christmas. God bless you First Lady Melania. We love you ma’am❤️

  25. SITE R – Protect Sandberg = 911.
    SITE R – for “chosen names” America = 911.
    SITE R – The 45th President (2020) = 911.
    SITE R – Nuclear hide the one “CHILD” = 911.

  26. ※《竹中平蔵が主導》安倍 麻生 菅 橋下は国際金融資本《ディープステート》緊縮財政の僕です

    ベーシックインカムは一つじゃない 奴らの言うベーシックインカムとは共産独裁の事です
    1PERCENTの大金持ちが99%の国民の富を独占してきた 私たちの本当の敵です
    日米国民が奴隷になることを勧めている これに気づかないといけない


  28. 火神庙===正统中国

    一定要搭配 火神庙

    一定要搭配 火神庙


    水 天 至高天神
    火 地 火神 婆罗门贵族
    金 君 战神财神 刹帝利 总统
    木 亲 木神佛祖 吠舍 总理
    土 师 土神齐天大圣 首陀罗 总督




  29. We love you 😘 I gotta say I do NOT recall ever hearing crowds of people chanting “WE LOVE YOU!” to a Presidential candidate. BEST PRESIDENT EVER! 😘❤️🇺🇸TRUMP 2020🇺🇸❤️🥰

  30. When law enforcement does its work! It hasn’t been at the order of Democrat mayors and governors! They should of upheld law anytime citizens and property have been attacked. Regardless of what a Democrat boss says!

  31. Yea i stand beside the men in blue . Not all are good and some make mistakes or just don’t care , and for those we have to weed out . But to defend the police 🚔 really , what do they think their local herion dealer will come to the rescue needles and all . Right .

  32. Perfect specimen, hahaha, oh Donny. Stable genius? You are sooo funny, you should be a comedian. Oh sorry, not smart enough. Crooked, lying covidiot will soon be in jail, sadddd.


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