President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure


Joint Base Andrews


  1. Good seeing no submissive face covering on anyone prior to departure.

    Good that Huskster Fauci is not present & Pedaling Jim Jones Kool-Aid Injections!

  2. Residing overseas we are gobsmacked that you allow your president to still be in office, he is a megalomaniacal idiot with no moral compass, an out of control ego and quite frankly stupidly dangerous.

  3. Can someone tell President Trump to focus on defeating the COVID-19? If he fails to tackle it headlong, it might affect his reelection. He is loosing supporters because of the way he handled the pandemic and the protest.

  4. Евро комиссия пуссть с бывшего СССР ра уберите свои иномарки в России сваё марка должен быть рассию не нужин европейская мелочь .и бывшаю ссср

  5. Good seeing no submissive/harmful face covering on anyone prior to departure.

    Good that Huckster Fauci is not present & Pedaling Jim Jones Kool-Aid Injections!

  6. I thought Bill Barr was going to prosecute governors for violating Constitutional rights. Why is Newsome in California allowed to tell Christians to not sing in church? He should be arrested. It is also unconstitutional to tell churches not to meet or to tell people they have to wear masks to buy or sell. It is the precursor to the mark of the beast. The masks also cause respiratory acidosis and people are passing out from breathing their own carbon dioxide. You can go into a coma and die from it. The liberal media and liberal politicians want to depopulate the planet.

  7. أريد ان يحاسب الآلهة الشيطانيين الذين يتخذونني كعبيد للأسباب للبرامج السياسية و الدينية و كل من يطالبهم بذلك و لأي شيء و خصوصا من كان يخاطب الرئيس الجزائري المقال عبد العزيز بوتفليقة و ما زال يستعبدني لما طلبه منه فهاذا حق لي مشروع و لي الحق في ما أراده لي من خلقني و لي حق في مستقبلي و لي الحق في حريتي و ممارسة حياتي و النجاح فيها كباقي الخلق و لست عبدا لمن يتولون و لهم عليهم الوصاية و خصوصا الفاسدين من يستغلني هؤلاء الآلهة بفسادهم و كل ما يمارسونه و لنصبهم و إحتيالهم و لعبادتهم و حتى لتصحيح أخطائهم أو المسار أو أي توجه للمنافسة السياسية و الدينية و أن أتحرر مما جعل هؤلاء الآلهة للناس و ألوهيتهم بالغيب عني و أن لا يمارس هذا الأسلوب بالالوهية عليا لأستغل و أستعبد أو أظلم في حقي و دنيتي و مستقبلي.

  8. Good that Huckster Fauci is not present & Pedaling Jim Jones Kool-Aid Injections!

    Good that submissive/harmful CO2 poisoning face covering not worn prior to departure.

  9. Best of luck God bless america ,I am in touch with Mr mark staff officer To white house america through voice messgae with Regards Eshfaq Ur Rehman Poswal Political activist jk india mobile no 9906500010

  10. We need repentance of sin all over the world , Consequences for all that has been being done from the demorats and out in our streets .

  11. You gotta lurve Murka.
    The only place on earth where a financially
    and morally bankrupt racist conman can get to be the President and sell his
    soul to the nation’s major adversary. Gutta love it.

  12. Thank you mr. President for everything you did a great job through this whole crisis and I’m sorry you have to deal with people that have no sense you are a great president and you when the election in November

  13. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump. 2020.

  14. If you cant see Trump is the best president ever your blind & probably never will. Other corrupt govt’s in europe are also totally corrupt & are terrified his message will spread & expose them.
    Just look at the media’s corrupt coverage in the UK & Ireland & you’ll get the message, I have not heard of one media outlet support him despite his enormous success, that only goes to show the level of propaganda thats already been indoctrinated into the people of europe. Even supposedly opposition parties in these areas oppose him, another proof of their corruption & criminal collusion. Some day we may be able to say the saving of our planet from this corruption was the dreamer of the impossible dream. Donald J Trump.This is the Donald Trump story in song short version ,,,,

  15. So let’s open up our Armory with our Military medical teams to Rx HCQ who have + Covid test already done but no one that will prescribe this $4 med. Done now well make school safer come time to open.


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