Gov. Polis plans to extend mask mandate into November


Gov. Jared Polis said Friday he plans to further extend Colorado’s mask-wearing requirements into November.


  1. What a dipshit. I’m going to continue to NOT wear my mask like everyone else I know here. Polis doesn’t know what he’s doing and this is not how you lead. People can make their own decisions. We have an almost zero infection rate, and its not bc of your magical “masks”. Its bc its run its course.

  2. Governor if cases are going up with 80% mask use then mask must not be working if cases are going up. Lock downs did not work we still have the virus. Maybe Swedes had the right ideal .

  3. The CDC Has A New Count On How The COVID-19 Virus For Ages Between 0-18 99.99 Present Is Survival Rate & Ages Between Ages 19-50 Is Also 99.99 Present Is Survival, & Ages Between 51-75 Is A 95.00 Present Survival Without A Compromised Immune System Now What Governor Polis Is Saying About The Health Problems Because Of How Scared To Go Into Public To A Doctor’s Offices Is True & He Helped Make It That Way From His Mandated Law To Wear Masks, So Be Smarter That He Is Check Out The CDC Online Website & See For Yourself, Do Your Research And Most Of The People Whom Have Caught The COVID-19 Virus, Have Health Complications Don’t Be Fooled By What Governor Polis Is Saying, I Say To You Governor Polis Prove What You Are Saying Show A Real List Of These People’s Names That Are In The Hospital Because I Won’t Believe You Until You Do !!!!!!!

  4. Of course you corrupt pig.
    Dead virus cells test positive for corona. More Fed money for hospitals. Notice no Covid journalist. Except for Cuomo acting job in NY

  5. Many Dr.’s and scientists have said the masks are more dangerous from our own germs and sucking them back in. Someone best find the one truth and tell it instead of turning Chinese for no reason. I’m not doing it. I don’t get close to people. I will hang them in my tree for Halloween as that’s a go right? Let the demons collect candy from people that can’t afford to give it out.
    We signed the petition today for recall. Today was a great day, no mask needed to go into store to sign it. They call it choice and life, pursuit of happiness.

  6. Enough already. We’ve been forced to wear masks for 3 months and the virus is still spreading. 98 percent of the people I talk to are tired of this, and the data clearly shows that this virus isn’t nearly as deadly as the coronabros want us to think. Time to move on.


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