Gov. Jared Polis To Hold Remembrance Ceremony Friday To Mark 1 Year Since Colorado’s...

Gov. Jared Polis is calling for a "Statewide Day of Remembrance" on Friday for the lives lost to coronavirus.

Gov. Jared Polis To Hold Remembrance Ceremony Friday Evening To Mark 1 Year Since...

Friday will mark one year since the first diagnosed case of COVID-19 in Colorado. The governor is calling for a statewide day of remembrance...

Gov. Jared Polis And Marlon Reis Are Engaged, Proposal Happened While First Gentleman Battled...

First Gentleman Marlon Reis told The Colorado Sun that while he was fighting COVID-19 Gov. Jared Polis got down on one knee and proposed...

Gov. Jared Polis And Marlon Reis Are Engaged, Proposal Happened While First Gentleman Battled...

Gov. Jared Polis and his longtime partner First Gentleman Marlon Reis have gotten engaged. Katie Johnston reports.

Gov. Jared Polis Envisions A ‘Very Close To Normal’ Summer

Gov. Jared Polis told Coloradans he’s confident that this summer will be “very close to normal” during a news conference Tuesday.

Governor Polis Provides Update on COVID-19 Response & Celebrates State Vaccination Goal

Governor Jared Polis provided an update on Colorado’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the State’s efforts to vaccinate Coloradans on Tuesday, March 2,...

Colorado could be ready to relax restrictions by summer, said Gov. Polis

Polis said it all depends on the supply of COVID-19 vaccine coming to Colorado. More local videos here: Subscribe to NEXT: Stay connected:...

DDS Day 2: The Future of Democracy with Governor Jared Polis

Robust democracies require ongoing and sustained citizen engagement to uphold democratic institutions and norms. Colorado Governor, Jared Polis, closes the two-day virtual conference and...

Governor Polis and Wesley Schultz from The Lumineers Talk About ‘Take Note Colorado’

Governor Polis is joined by Wesley Schultz from The Lumineers to support Take Note Colorado which has already given $229,100 to 24 different organizations....