تجهيز اللقاحات والأدوية والاختبارات للاستعمال في الطوارئ

إن إتاحة اللقاحات والاختبارات والأدوية قد تستغرق وقتاً طويلاً، حتى في حالات الطوارئ الصحية مثل كوفيد-19. ولضمان تسريع وتيرة إتاحتها للجميع، وضعت المنظمة بروتوكول...



Получение вакцин, лекарственных препаратов и тест-систем для применения в чрезвычайной ситуации

Обеспечение доступности вакцин, тест-систем и лекарственных препаратов может потребовать много времени даже в условиях чрезвычайной ситуации, такой как COVID -19. Для того чтобы обеспечить...

Puesta a punto de vacunas, medicamentos y pruebas para uso en emergencias

Preparar vacunas, pruebas y medicamentos puede llevar mucho tiempo, incluso con una emergencias sanitaria como la COVID-19. A fin de garantizar acceso rápido para...

Situations d’urgence : s’assurer que vaccins, médicaments et tests soient prêts à l’emploi

La mise à disposition des vaccins, des tests et des médicaments disponibles peut prendre longtemps, même en cas d’urgence sanitaire comme la COVID-19. En...

How to improve the life of children with developmental delays and disabilities?

In Argentina, the World Health Organization and partner PANAACEA are supporting caregivers of children with developmental delays and disabilities through the Caregiver Skills Training...

Oral health services during COVID-19: cleaning, disinfection and sterilization procedures (video 3)

This short video explains World Health Organization recommendations for cleaning, disinfection and sterilization procedures that should be in place in oral health-care services during...

Oral health services during COVID-19: protecting patients and personnel during treatment (video 2)

This short video explains World Health Organization recommendations for protecting both patients and oral health-care personnel from infection with the COVID-19 virus during oral...

Oral health services during COVID-19: screening, triaging and reception (video 1 of 3)

This short video describes recommendations from the World Health Organization for the screening, triaging and reception of people seeking oral health care during the...

Eliminating cervical cancer

Cervical cancer could be the first cancer ever in the world to be eliminated if , by 2030: 90% of girls are vaccinated 70%...