We need health for peace and peace for health.

WHO's mission is: promote health, keep the world safe, serve the vulnerable. This means delivering #HealthForAll, everywhere, including in areas affected by war and...

“When you feel safe, you do better” Dr Mike Ryan on health workers safety

"Frontline workers are working under immense pressure and they are extremely courageous. The least we can do is give them the tools, the training...

La cuarentena puede ser un tiempo para cuidarse y relajarse.

Durante la pandemia de COVID-19, quizá se le pida ponerse en cuarentena. Aproveche para cuidarse y relajarse. Más información en: www.who.int/epi-win

Oral health services during COVID-19: protecting patients and personnel during treatment (video 2)

This short video explains World Health Organization recommendations for protecting both patients and oral health-care personnel from infection with the COVID-19 virus during oral...

Зачем мне вакцинироваться?

Без вакцин нам угрожают серьезные и чреватые инвалидностью заболевания, такие как корь, менингит, столбняк и полиомиелит. В нынешнем взаимосвязанном мире инфекционные болезни легко пересекают...

Dr Mike Ryan – “Every person needs to look at their COVID-19 risk.”

"Every person needs to look at their COVID-19 risk.” -Dr Mike Ryan, WHO Executive Director of the Emergencies Programme View the entire press conference here: https://youtu.be/O8Nwb7l4FeM

Dr Tedros talks about the sacrifices of health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

"Last week I visited France and Spain to join their leaders in recognizing the incredible contribution of health workers in the fight against...

Vaccins anti-COVID-19 : ce qu’il faut savoir

À mesure que la vaccination anti-COVID-19 se met en place à travers le monde, beaucoup de gens demandent à quoi il faut s’attendre, en...

Partager les expériences contre la COVID-19 la riposte menée par la Nouvelle-Zélande

En réponse à la transmission communautaire de la COVID-19, la Nouvelle-Zélande a mis en place une série de mesures visant à endiguer le virus,...