COVID-19 Vaccine Considerations for Rural Health


The COVID-19 Vaccination Implementation Planning Update for Rural Stakeholders was presented by CDC subject matter expert, Dr. Amanda Cohn. Dr. Cohn is Chief Medical Officer for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases as well as Chief Medical Officer for the Vaccine Task Force of the CDC COVID-19 Response. This session, presented specifically for rural stakeholders, was moderated by Dr. Diane Hall.

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  1. Please don’t hurt us. Please be a good to us the people of america. Don’t poison us. No one deserves this. God bless you all.

  2. need to not stop our brains from interacting … theres no reason people are dying from this! lack of care from people thats all . bleach and peroxide and hot water for hours kills this bathe in bleach!! lice tx in hair consistantly .

  3. sometimes thr is alternate ways to rid of pests which thats what this is . a host / parasite rlship… clean good . ( the dusty brown powder in air is fungus . watch for warts

  4. Reading these comments was kinda entertaining but also very concerning, it’s sad to see how many ignorant and paranoid people there are here

  5. Being the Good Samaritan , I must give my share of vaccines to the demonrats!thank you anyway, I hope you have enough for all of them!!! Made in China must be stamped on it so Hunter Biden can be able to get his!

  6. I do not see the problem with vaccines people and it is not just a simple flu the mortality rate is a lot higher the the simple flu and yet I’m still a republican be smart people please

  7. You killing the people with hunger and scare….million people lost their job just because of this…you’re too over… God watching all of you….stop being over….let’s get back to normal…CDC you’re silence killer…

  8. Today CDC belatedly announced that masks protect wearer, as well as others. CDC is a complete joke and I and thousands of other Americans have lost compete confidence in it to make timely and evidence-based decisions. Many third world countries that have successfully contained Covid knew at the outset that masks protect wearer’s too. The CDC is responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans who otherwise would have worn masks sooner.

  9. The CDC is in the cabal that is orchestrating this fake pandemic, and they are not to be trusted. They have 13 segments in their logo.

  10. CDC owns over 50 patents for vaccines…. They are taking over the world with their fearmongering. But, don’t worry, they’re from the government and they’re here to help

  11. The PCR test is works on the same principle as a microscope. It blows things up that are invisible to the human eye. Saying it can test for anything is like saying the microscope tells you what your looking at.

    Wearing a mask to stop a “virus” is like thinking that wearing pants will stop a fart.

  12. The SEEDY-C…holds vaccine patents…Is that not a slight conflict of interest? Of course it is…🙄 Vaccine SAFETY takes TIME. There is no way around that, period! SAFETY=TIME! FDA funded by Reagan-Udall, who is funded by Bill Gates , his eugenisist foundation!

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