Governor Polis and Black Hills Energy announce major step in reducing pollution in Colorado


Governor Jared Polis and Black Hills Energy announced another major step in reducing pollution in Colorado and saving ratepayers money on electricity on Thursday, January 7, 2021. Black Hills Energy now joins all other major utilities across Colorado – together responsible for 99% of fossil-fired generation – to reduce air pollution and emissions by at least 80% by 2030 by filing a Clean Energy Plan as part of its upcoming Electric Resource Plan.

Press release:


  1. Electric vehicles are a sham. A several thousand lb 200kw battery bank is only about 150hp for 60 min. You sound ignorant of this subject.

  2. Black hills energy is only hurting the people. This is a sham to charge more for less energy. We cannot store the wind and solar energy, stop acting like we can.

  3. Black hills, how will you heat our homes when its cold at night with clean energy? Cold nights and no wind go hand and hand. How will your over strained grid handle charging ev vechicles?

  4. A 100MW renewable energy farm, doesn’t make 100mw. It’s much less than that, that is the reality polis. The wildfires are NATURAL.

  5. I have a much more affordable and practical solution! Live in a small house and drive a 100hp vechicle if you want to stretch resources and reduce your footprint.

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