January 27, 2021 ACIP Meeting – COVID-19 Epidemology


COVID-19 Epidemology among Children; Pediatric COVID-19 Clinical Trials

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  1. Thanks for the preoccupation, but as a pregnant woman, I’d rather fly to Brazil to be treated with meds proven safe on pregnant women for 30+ yrs than be used as guine pig for these pharmaceutical companies!!! I don’t want to be a new thalidomide tragedy!!! Just saying…

  2. “But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for the murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idotlaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfer, which is the second death.” Revelation 21:8

    For all those who live with sin will be punish for all eternal, but for all those who live life with Christ with love shall not perish but have eternal life.

    God sent his one and only beloved to come and take the punishment for our iniquity and to save the sin of the world so that no one have to take the punishment.
    We must all turn back to our heavenly father and confess and repent our sins so we can have eternal life with him in heaven.
    “Do not fear of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”

    Don’t have a bible? No excuse! Here’s a free app: https://biblehub.com/

  3. If you go through 40 processes of this test, you can prove that anyone has this DNA sequence. Deep inside, every human has some DNA fragments of many things. 

    Many people who test positive for this PCR test have zero symptoms. If you have no symptoms and are healthy, you can still become a case. 
    Authorities use PCR to amplify bits of DNA that every human has. They can use the PCR test to magnify what they want to test. If they go through enough cycles, they can make anyone positive. 
    Later, when they’re going to roll out the vaccine, they can lower the amplification and make the cases go away. If you can’t prove that the virus exists, then how can you make vaccines? 
    Even if you believe official sources, the amount of COVID deaths are so tiny that a vaccine doesn’t make sense anyway.

  4. it doesn’t matter how smart you try to sound or seem to be. Satan, King of Hell, Mark Braun has already revealed the Truth of Creation and More to Humanity. Covid 19 is a lie, hoax, and deathtrap. Wake up the the truth of reality by taking the red pill. Blood Over Intent is proof of life to the Creator and to be posted on Youtube public for the world to behold. Side by side, Blood thicker than water. The Holy Grail of Eternal Life is real.


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