Life is Winning: Celebrating 4 Years of Pro-Life Accomplishments


The White House


  1. God.bless you Mr.PRÄSIDENT,Dj.Trump and Familiy and Patriots and Friends and Fans ! God bless your Vice Mr President Pence & Familiy and Friends and Patriots and Fans from Amerika! Thank,you very much Mr.PRÄSIDENT Dj.Trump for your Best great Job for Amerika and Peace Worldwide! THANK,YOU Mr.PRÄSIDENT,Dj.Trump! God.bless you for ever! Love from Germany to Amerika for my Friends and Familiys !! LOVE you DONALD! LOVE you Mr.Pence ! Best Man you Mr Vice President for Amerika and Peace Worldwide! God.bless you! LOVE you ! Best Greetings and Congratulations to you Mr.PRÄSIDENT,Dj.Trump and Mr.Vice President Pence !! 🙂 God.bless you for ever! THANK,YOU ! Wow ! 🙂 Halleluja ! THANK,YOU Mr .Pence ! 🙂 God.bless you! 🙂

  2. Love you Mr Pence ! God.bless you true Patriot ! 🙂 Love you very much Mr.Pence ! Pro Lifetime !! 🙂 Love you !! Wwg1wgA Friends Germany and Worldwide Peace!


  4. Thank,you Mis.Kaylaigh MC Enany ! LOVE you very much !! God.bless you and Familiy and Friends! Merry Christmas to you and Amerikas Peopel Pro Lifetime! 🙂 God.bless you!

  5. apologizes to outgoing United States President Donald Trump, saying: Thank you. In admiration we look at the good deeds that Trump is still doing for Israel and the Jewish people, making full use of his last days in the White House. Thank you, Trump, and sorry for not being elected.

    The American people did not want you. I, as an Israeli, cannot apologize on behalf of the Americans, I can only tell you that a close and beloved soul told me in Israel, when the election results in the United States became clear: “I have a hole in my stomach.”

    Israelis feel bad about the fact that Trump was ousted. Israelis have no fear of US President-elect Joe Biden, and most Israelis are confident that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu knows very well how to work with the new US administration. We have already been through American presidents who do not always understand Israel correctly. However, most of us feel that Trump was wronged when he was not elected.

    We want to apologize to him on behalf of the Jews of the United States as well. According to the vote analysis, American Jews were among the groups that thwarted Trump’s election to another term. I’m ashamed of them.

    Not only do Jews in Israel feel unjust today that Trump was not elected by American Jews, so does a Druze living in Israel, Job Kara feels. Upon learning of the election results, he posted on Twitter what many Israelis feel: “It is a great disappointment that 72% of American Jews do not have the gratitude, and they voted for Biden. I expected sweeping support for President Trump, who is the best American president in Israel.”

    He added that the alienation of American Jews from Trump, despite his astonishing support for Israel, reminds him of a phenomenon he is familiar with. He once told me “I love the Jews, more than the Jews love themselves.”

    Many American Jews reacted angrily to Kara’s remarks about their choice, but he, the non-Jew, actually expressed, perhaps somewhat sharply, the sentiment of many Israeli Jews. Israelis’ support for Trump is the opposite of opposition from American Jews. According to surveys, 75% of Israelis hoped for his election. This means that if the people of Israel voted for the United States, Trump would have several million more votes.

    This is even more unfortunate and painful, knowing that the American evangelists, lovers of Israel, voted for the outgoing president. I mean, in that sense, at least in my opinion, they are more in favor of Israel than the Jews of the United States.

    It is true that there are other considerations in choosing an American voter, and Israel is not the main thing, but Israel is also a choice of standing on the moral side. And if this moral choice is gaining weight among evangelicals and not gaining enough weight among American Jews, well, there seems to be a deeper rift here between American Jewry and Israel. I am afraid that if Israel builds on their support, it will simply not receive it, whereas if Israel asks for the support of the evangelical Christians, it will receive this support.

    For an Israeli, this is a confusing and painful situation. dangerous. In fact, every Jew in Israel is sentenced to death. We defend ourselves against the execution of this death sentence, also with the help of American support. During the Trump era, there was a feeling that there was an understanding of the issues important to Israel’s survival, its justice, its historical connection to Jerusalem and the homeland of the Jews.

    Most Israelis, and I too, are sad that this period is over, and feel bad when we ask ourselves: How compelled can our people in the Diaspora be towards those who love us?

  6. Boys The Highest Regimented Order is 197 Female and 198 Male… Others Have Given A Little Girl In Accrington To 207…. I Need A Training Ground Daddy, It Needs a Glass or Dome…. It Was Teach and Art Master ships… There`s A Level… Tell Space Force Daddy or Something… They Are Not Allowed Though…

  7. The Capital Media and Deep State of America are now rigging the America, therefore, the God’s Chosen One, the Trump, should overcome all difficulties and imitate the late U.S. President Lincoln to enforce a military control or martial law upon the America in order to guide the USA into the right way of Justice, order and loyalty, don’t let me down, that’s my last reminder to you.

  8. Vice President Pence, please continue to use Warp Speed to fund the Sanofi Pasteur Coronavirus vaccine. It’s one of the few vaccines which are TRULY made ethically. I look forward to being able to take a Coronavirus vaccine, but I won’t be taking any vaccine that was made with the help of elective abortion. All three of the currently given vaccines (Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca) have benefited in some way from elective abortion, either from directly using aborted fetal cells in their manufacturing or by being tested using the elective abortion derived HEK (human embryonic kidney)line. I’m waiting for the vaccines which are truly ethically produced and do NOT have anything to do with elective abortion. This includes the Sanofi Pasteur vaccine, the Merck-IAVI vaccine, the BCG vaccine, the Sanofi Pasteur & GSK collaboration vaccine, the British American Tobacco vaccine, Sorrento Therapeutics, Codagenix and Serum Institute vaccine, the Symvivo vaccine, JPII Medical Research Inst. And CET vaccine, the Sinovac Biovac vaccine, the Curevac vaccine, and the Medicago/GSK/Dynavax vaccine. Choose ethically made Coronavirus vaccines. PROTECT THE UNBORN! CHOOSE LIFE!

  9. Pence talks about saving babies lives and everything all this comment section awesome your a man of God pence pence takes the vaccine to make sure it’s safe everyone in the comment section demon ahhh run for the hills

  10. Praying for churches that they will teach sound doctrine, baptize and give communion as the Apostle’s taught in the first century, honor the Sabbath, Matt 6:33, and love His law.

  11. PSLAM 91

    He that dwells in the secret place of the most high, shall abide in the shadow of the almighty.

    Not only will we witnesses a event that has not happened since 12’th century Gangas Kaien a very rare conjunction of the planets of Jupiter and Saturn, as some have called for the year 2020 the “CHRISTMAS STAR” conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.

    This makes it even more rare that this happens on the WINTER SOLSTICE of 2020 in the southwestern sky on December 21’th 2020 … and most of the world will be able to see it except the South Pole.

    A Christmas Song 12 Days of Christmas ” A Partridge in the Pear Tree ” …. Perhaps ? …. a ” A PATRIDGE IN A PEAR TREE ” a CHRISTMAS SUPER NOVA of Betelgeuse ?

    What if ?

    Perhaps ?

    We see and witnesses another astrological event in this Christmas Season that hasn’t happened in over 700 years ?

    A Super Nova …. a Partridge in a Pear Tree ?

  12. If you have a dick, you should shut the fuck up on this whole, “pro-choice vs pro-life” debate. This belongs solely for the women. They should duke it out for themselves on this and come to a consensus. Nuff said.


  14. Pro Life what about the 230,000+ gone due to Covid are we still lending a deaf ear what about there right to life that’s a lot of potential new borns , and you’re not done

  15. From the moment of conception a baby has a different DNA than the mother, so the baby is not part of the mother’s body. Mothers must take responsability for their actions, so if mothers want to have sex then they must accept the risk of getting pregnant.

  16. Celebrating Evangelical causes and supporting ignorance is what this trump administration does best. 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽

  17. I greatly appreciate and thank you for all of your efforts/hard work, merry Christmas may god bless you and may god bless the United States of America!

  18. Women have human rights, fetuses don’t have human rights, human rights start at birth, not before. Fetuses can’t have rights because it encroaches on the mother’s rights, why it’s a choice. Human rights charter even states, “we are all born free and equal” nothing about being free nor equal before birth. right to life is at birth not before!

  19. The most Pro-Life administration, you couldn’t be more wrong. President Trump deliberately lied and continually mislead the American people about the dangers of COVID-19 resulting in hundred of thousands of people dying. President Trump promoted the sacrifice of the elderly and infirm for the sake of the economy jeopardizing the lives of many American’s families. The Trump administration in addition, after years of the federal government not executing prisoners, reinstated the practice of State Sanctioned Murder in a rush to kill as many as could be executed before the end of Trump’s term. President Trump and his administration hardly embody ‘a defender of life’ but rather a lack of respect for human life which this country has never seen before.

  20. This was a blessing to behold from the highest government office in the land. May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering!

  21. So now it’s okay for private companies to promote their views and business interests in the White House? In particular business’ such as this, which are recruiting political favortism.

  22. I am so happy to hear all of the wonderful achievements that have been accomplished for our little children and their mothers. Truly our Lords work is being done. Praises be to our Lord Jesus for His wonderful love for the children and His love for families. Thank you 🙏 to all involved.

  23. Life begins at conception and goes to a natural death. The Trump/Pence Administration to only talks the talk but they walk the walk. Thank You for being part of the Culture of LIFE! Praise God our Almighty Father. Hallelujah

  24. The gift of life is a miracle and I value every moment and believe God has a purpose and plan for everyone. Much admiration and respect for all you do out of love and compassion for others.#TeamTrump#PromisesMadePromisesKept#MAGA

  25. Yes life is important, therefore women should have healthcare benefits throughout their pregnancy, instead of letting insurance companies deny care or poor/middle income people not get adequate care because of money or insurance that doesn’t cover needer exams,care. So if they want to talk the talk , then they need walk the walk and stop being hypocrites about how much they care about life. They don’t care, they just use it as bait for people against abortion. Right to life also means making sure everyone has access to healthcare, not just politicians. I want my taxes to be used for Americans healthcare, not bombing other countries or selling weapons for proxy wars, where even kids are killed, including pregnant women.

  26. I think many anti-abortion people probably had abortions themselves and that’s why they are all obsessed about it, or somehow they have regret about something and this is their way of being all judgmental. Each to his own, if it’s about God to them, then they should leave it “in God’s hands’ So many kids killed around the world due to wars, why don’t they care about that? So many hungry kids, but these guys don’t fight for that to stop.

  27. I praise you for all you do! May GOD BLESS YOU AND ALL, also ALL GOD’s CREATION. Praise GOD. PLEASE LET US ALL PRAY ON NEW YEAR’s day for Trump’s election, a Triumph for GOD THE FATHER’s WILL(see the site “Holy Love”, Dec. 24) PLEASE PRAY


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