LIVE: Media briefing on the prevalence of violence against women



  1. Dr. Tedros is more than the Coronavirus He killed his own brother in Ethiopia using the WHO position He has to step down is it dangerous man people are dying because if he

  2. I was listening & hearing… there was just a big BUT.. till Dr knowno rounded it up Right. The stepping stones is right there. Bypass the stumbling blocks that’s failed & why it is still so prevalent still to today’s date world wide weather rich or poor the country…

  3. Lectures on Finding a Solution Against Violence Against Women And the creation of happiness in the story of peace, COVID 19, environment, environment, food.

  4. Thank you,I am Mr.Monchai Ponyiam People is Thailand.
    Lectures on Finding a Solution Against Violence Against Women And the creation of happiness in the story of peace, COVID 19, environment, environment, food.
    Thank you.

  5. Good afternoon from Argentina the prevalence of violence against women We are registering a femicide every 23 hours

  6. WHO I ask you by this means if you can send the audios in Spanish language (Spanish) Many people do not have access to bilingual audios
    thank you in advance Dra cabreravera Liliana from Argentina

  7. ஓம் நமோ பகவதி வாசுதேவய தன்வந்திரி அம்ருதா கலசம் ஹஸ் தாய சர்வமயதினதாய திரிலோக நாதாய ஶ்ரீ மஹா விஷ்ணுவே நமஹா
    >Green and purple🌜🌞
    >Green and blue🌜🌞
    >Red and yellow 🌜🌞 [I love red and yellow]
    >Green and white 🌜🌞
    >Black and white 🌜🌞


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