Live Q&A on #COVID19 with Dr Mike Ryan and Dr Maria Van Kerkhove. #AskWHO



  1. WHO should be called the WBPO (World Big Pharma Organization). All they seem to care about is the magic vaccine and next big drug. What about scientifically based prevention (other than just distancing and masks), i.e. Vitamins C and D, Zinc, Hydroxy…????? Why can’t ALL of this be included in the discussions??? Something is VERY VERY SUSPICIOUS here.

  2. 100 of Millions of Dollars Spend on this Hoax could have lifted every Child and Woman out of Poverty on this Planet. Millions of people have not had access to proper health care dying of Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, HIV etc….. The WHO is on par with Moa Tseng and Joseph Stalin.

  3. 23.09.20
    Here is a SIMPLE IQ TEST for all Countries  – now do your MATHS!
    I call upon immediate autopsies for all recent Covid 19 deaths! Then we can discuss the topic – PANDEMIC!

    Currently we have a population of 66,796,807 million in the United Kingdom. Seriously people, are we really going to tolerate having our lives ruled and completely destroyed by a HANDFUL of NARCISSISTS living off our hard-earned taxes and Billy-Boy’s payroll?

    In GB, from March 2020 – September 2020 – we have a total of 41,788 deaths because of or related to Covid 19.
    In average before this Plandemic, GB would expect a preliminary figure of 496,354 deaths per year due to various causes.

    In Germany, from March 2020 – September 2020, we have a total of 9,477 deaths  with or related to Covid 19. In average before this Plandemic, Germany would expect a preliminary figure of 939,536 deaths per year due to various causes.

    GLOBALLY- from March 2020 – September 2020, there has been 971,679 recorded deaths with or related to Covid 19. Many death certificates were forged worldwide to raise the statistics, to justify the 1st lockdown and further inhuman and life destroying restrictions. PCR tests have proven to be faulty by International  scientists. Google this as well! Autopsies were not performed and weren’t an option in order to detect other possible underlying health problems. So therefore, even this Covid 19 figure of 971,679 GLOBAL deaths in just 6 months is extremely unrealistic, when not criminally miscalculated.

    SPANISH FLU – 1918 -1919 – recorded total deaths – 50 million worldwide!

    Up to 650,000 global deaths annually are associated with respiratory diseases from seasonal influenza. Note: the flu season has already begun!

    There was never ever a 1st wave and nor are we currently having a 2nd wave.
    We have a P L A N D E M I C and a handful of Elites destroying our lives and NOT a P A N D E M I C.


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