Media briefing on COVID-19


Media briefing on #COVID19 with @DrTedros


  1. ‘re the second wave and vaccines and the rna working. I’m a spiritual Christian and I been given a few word to give you all…

    these are the messages I have for you all.. please take it serious. I can only give you the message.. hopefully someone passes it on.

    ‘re the fight of the second wave of the corona virus . scientists are not on the right path where the rna is concerned. the cost of the vaccines to the body is it ruins something’s worth…
    the key words for you all to look at are Strain target.

    strain target and divide something (maybe the type of medication made) because the family faces means modes of entry.. taste thus.. oral medication as well.

    What is happening with the strain and what strain has to do with it has to do with breathe and the synthesis of the order is violent.

    the virus target the breathing and so should the vaccines.

    the virus is constantly mutating and or constantly switching.. What? u guys figure it out. I didn’t get an that much.

    Is there a chemical or biological sciences that can be used? ….. answer: vegetarian…. stinkers…
    at vegetarian stinkers means: C 82

    C d gas emissions from their frequent of the virus activity (stivory means for me activity)

    the airports is constantly spreading the virus. saying it’s safe to travel when it isn’t. …

    i don’t know what c82 means .. you all again figure it out. all I know is based in the answers I got is the airports news to have tightened restrictions and stop for awhile because it’s helping to cause suffering and scary thing to keep on going

    Hope this helps.

  2. COVID-19 briefing 14 December 2020
    0:28 Introduction.
    2:16 DG opening remarks.
    9:38 Global Youth Mobilization for Generation Disrupted. Scouts, 14:10 Duke of Edinburgh, 17:22 International Federation of the Red Cross, 20:04 YWCA.
    24:14 Message to children concern for Santa Claus?
    27:35 Vaccinated people spread virus?
    31:24 WHO Europe report?
    32:43 Community engagement & acceptance of vaccine in Africa?
    41:02 New strain of virus in UK?
    46:59 Partnership with UNICEF?
    50:50 Message to young people?
    59:38 DG closing remarks.
    Visit WHO website for transcripts and guidances.

  3. The Santa Claus Question – to children worldwide

    24:08, the first journalist is invited to ask her question. This person is Gabriella Soto Mayor from Proceso, Mexico.
    24:43, she says: ‘One of the things that most worries many children is if Santa Claus will be able to get home this Christmas – because he’s old, he’s overweight They are concerned whether Santa Claus is able to leave his house; whether he will be able to travel. So, do you have any message to the children in Mexico and, maybe, all over the world ? Thanks. [25:07]

    25:14 Dr Van Kerkhove answers the Santa question:
    ‘Thank you very much for this really important question.I think you have highlighted a concern that many children have across the world. We can tell you that I understand the concern for Santa because he is of older age and one of the older age groups. But, I can tell you that Santa Claus is immune to this virus…

    ‘We had a brief chat with him and he is doing very well. Mrs Claus is doing very well. They are very busy right now. But he is immune. And we have heard from a number of leaders across the world who have told us that they have … relaxed the quarantine measures for Santa to enter the air space. So, he will be able to travel in and out of the airspace and be able to deliver presents to children.

    ‘But, I think it is very important that all children of the world understand that physical distancing by Santa Claus and also of the children themselves must be strictly enforced. So, it is really important that the children of the world still listen to their moms and dads and their guardians – and make sure that they go to bed early on Christmas Eve.

    But Santa will be able to travel around the world to deliver presents. So, thank you very much for that important question. ‘ [26:33]

    (One of your finest, kindest, most generous spirited moments – and you have many of these. Thank you, Maria, for taking the children of the world so seriously and kindly.)

  4. Tedros, do you care about your brothers and sisters in Africa? Dont worry about COVID until you deal with HIV/AIDS. It has killed more Africans than coronavirus hands down.


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