Media briefing on COVID-19



  1. Let just give a brief testimony of myself here. This might be very beneficial to some of you here and it might put an end to your ordeal. Well, i was once an hiv/aid patient. I contacted the deadly virus about 4 years ago, since then, the stigma and shame has not been easy for me to bear. all this while, i have been living on normal drugs to suppress the virus to help me live my normal life not until recently when i met this great doctor online in one of the USA HIV/AIDS care group on facebook. I contacted him and i got some herbal medications from him which i used as he instructed, just after 14 days, indeed, i was treated and i tested negative. You can contact dr cozon on +13192094060 if you need him

  2. Thank God the WHO is following the Chinese lead on this virus. They did produce this in their lab and are the experts.

  3. Yet no one knows where Covid19 originated from… Wasn’t the wet market… So what facility lies close by?

  4. you could save lifes , if airdecontamination should be standartised !
    Hammer down germs and variants with Peraceticacid 0,05% mixed in water an 20% Ethanol misted/sprayed indoors in the evening.
    non mutagen
    non toxic residues

  5. The drug companies need funding to keep on top of the many. Variants coming out and to creat boosters for those that are resilient to the existing vaccines. We have nothing for the South African variant and everybody acting like everything will be okay as long as we get vaccinated.
    Serious denial.

  6. vaccinations are not the way out of this pandemic it is very unfortunate the experts think it is i seriously doubt they even know what the problem is


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