Mental health and living with HIV: need for integrated services


Mental and physical health are interrelated. For example, people living with and at risk of HIV often experience depression or other mental health conditions.

When mental health conditions and HIV occur together, declining health is more likely, as is reduced HIV treatment adherence, drug-resistance, and community transmission.

Several low-cost, evidence-based community mental health interventions exist which offer a proven, cost-effective way to prevent declining health due to the co-occurrence of these conditions. WHO recommends that countries develop integrated services that tackle both mental health and HIV together.


  1. Hi, there is a unknown sickness in my state of Andhra pradesh in south india, hundreds of people are suffering from seizures and epilepsy, can you please send us a team to help

  2. I think i will have to share my testimony here because i can’t just keep what has happened in my life recently, it’s a great joy in my heart. i can’t just keep it to myself. That’s why i try to tell the world about it at every given opportunity i get. I believe this can help most people out there. Well, i have had HIV/AIDS since the past 5 years and since then, i have been living on normal drugs, ARV’s and others, it has not been easy for me not until recently when something great happened in my life. Something i never thought could happen. I have been living with this deadly disease not until i met a very good doctor online in one of the USA healthcare group on facebook. His name is dr cozon. I contacted the doctor and i got some herbal medications from him which he assured me that after i use it for 14 days, i will be totally cured. I got the medications and i used it just as he has prescribed, during the course of using the medications, i started feeling a change in my body, indeed, after everything, i went for a test and i was HIV negative. I was totally cured. Now, i’m free. I have been very happy all this while, words alone cant express my happiness and gratitude to God and dr cozon. Dr cozon is indeed the best trado medical doctor i have ever known. Dr cozon also treat other sexually transmitted diseases but HIV/AIDS is his major specialty. You can contact dr cozon on whatsapp or call on +13192094060 for treatment and counselling


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