Polis provides weekly COVID-19 update


Gov. Jared Polis is providing an update Tuesday on the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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  1. I love how now it’s “stupid not to wear a mask” when this is the same agency that was saying it was stupid TO wear a mask just a couple short months ago. Hell, we were even told the average citizen was too stupid to know how to wear it properly
    In China, which by the way they have a potentially NEW pandemic in the making, they wear them at the first hint of alarm..
    New potential pandemic: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-53218704

  2. Colorado’s communist dictator has spoken. Bars forced to close 2 days before Independence Day because liberty!

  3. What an idiot, death rates due to corona are receding! If masks worked then why close businesses? It’s not a science thing, there is no scientific study claiming underwear on your head stops corona stop lieing!!!!

  4. There’s been a big party in downtown Denver involving crowds having fun looting and destroying the property of others interspersed with the defacing and destruction of public property as well. You didn’t mention putting the kybosh on that type of gathering. Why not?


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