President Trump and Administration Officials Deliver Remarks and Hold a Press Briefing on Testing


The White House


  1. 我是真的见过神的人!! (我在2014年曾经历过死亡。真正地和神一起走在天堂的路上!! 最后,被护送回到大地 )!!! 我想我应该为川普做神的见证人!! 川普是被神拣选,预备派到这个世界上,拯救美国经济,维持世界和平!! 川普是被神高高举起的人!!是活在主里的人!! 是敬畏神的人!!是行走在神的旨意当中的人!! 无论人类设下什么障碍,都无法打击替代川普!! 因为神会帮他跨越一切障碍的!!因为他要赢得神的奖赏!!
    而凡基督徒都知道,圣经上说“你们是不可以做假见证的。”下面我就将我所看见的真实的异象详细地描述给你们“ The night of July 22 ,2019 .I were praying for President TRUMP. Then in the VISION , ” I saw a Giant Golden Glittering CROSS !! Then, at this moment, I saw TRUMP coming ! He was Wearing a Beautiful Mid – color Blue Suit(not really dark blue suit), and a RED Tie , And With His Big SMILE !! Then, TRUMP walks to the Right Side of the CROSS , STRANDING a little bit Behind the CROSS !!!”
    This is VISION I’ve Seen !! I am a Canadian . I Hope Trump Knows that He is NOT Alone, GOD ,LORD JESUS Be ALWAYS With HIM !!!.
    And I think I should be the God Testimony to Trump !!
    All those who BLESS TRUMP will be BLESSED !!
    Anyone who Denigrates Trump will Be CURSED !!!!

  2. These reporters should spend more time to do research: why did death rates by other reasons suddenly reduce significantly or even disappear on their reports?
    Theory 1: they report a number of death everyday to scare people to get more profits with their unethical news
    Theory 2: they exaggerate the numbers to get more federal money: 13K/patient & 39k/patient with ventilator
    Theory 3: many people are dying at home due to so long stay-at-home order like the one at MI that causes lack of on time treatment for many out-hospital patients

  3. Once again Little Donnie proves what a complete, incompetent asshole he is. What a disgusting situation and an embarrassment all over the world to have a president like Trump.

  4. Trump is just like his first name! If he goes to punch you just duck! The one thing that is on his side is the fact that his God is completely quackers! The book is away gathering dust and now there is a lot of work to be done so let us all take into consideration that Bruce Lee is to blame for the Coronavirus and Adolf Hitler’s suicide was extremely heroic in world war 2 as well as Eva’s! Now all we have to worry about is will we have turkey for Christmas this year or will we have to settle for chicken? Good luck!

  5. Who needs testing? OPEN THIS DAMNED COUNTRY UP AND STOP THIS MASCARADE. FORBID WEARIN FACIAL MASKS OUTSIDE. WHAT KIND OF A SICK JOKE ARE YOU PLAYING ON THE DUMBED DOWN POPULATION. JUST BECAUSE MOST OF THOSE FOOLS BOUGHT INTO MULTIPLE SEXUAL “identities” doesn’t mean they will not be willing to cut your throats if you press them to the wall. Hunger does funny things to people. Communist government of New York decided to require testing medical and nursing personnel TWICE PER WEEK! Who’s gonna work in those hospitals while we wait for the results? Are they the same tests that made fruits test positive? Biggest fuckery ever conceived in the rotten bowels of the satanic/masonic hordes.

  6. Pent up demand for what? I can tell you there’s a pent up demand to put down just about all the fools that dress up in suits to spew lunacy on the damned screens. What the people need is the freedom to go where they want, shop for what they want, talk freely about what they want and wherever they want and pray in the churches of their choice without some brainless cop executing the lunatic rules made by his governor or president. Healthy people don’t want or need any testing and don’t even dream about another fuckin useless vaccine. Shove that faucci criminal up your ass.

  7. “Why don’t you ask China?”
    Wait, what? The question was, why Trump is making this a competition. Why should she ask China this question? What does that even mean: Ask China.

  8. 313

    would you like to ask president trump to protect you from this?

    cause u under instant threat

    why about your son how u protecting him he can constantly grow u blame on u with everything he learns fr o m u DJ

    touch president head

    they carr y  l e  pro sea

    he isn’t sure this one doesn’t

    animals can get sick from us and we get sick from them 

    re cycling nd garden waste do they burn it?


    Lost rats deserve nothing. WE deserve everything.

    Control the people. And the people can control them! 😉

  10. Monsieur President China’s Vaccine will soon be tested in my beloved Canada. Our Premier, Professor Pretty is a sell out to the W.H.O. All he wants is his seat back at next month’s U.N. vote. He’s ready to sacrifice us for it. KEEP THE NORTHERN BORDER CLOSED .. protect yourself !

  11. America is the most monstrous and terrible country in the world.Where there is no freedom or democracy.
    covid 19 —> made in Fort Detrick, Maryland, USA.
    The New York Times wrote about the closure of the laboratory in August 2019.


  12. Why does trump keep bringing more junk to these it looks like a crappy infomercial someone should get rid of this jerkoff

  13. He needs to stop it’s scary. He is a no bullshit guy. But covid is fake why hasn’t he just said ok it fake open up. Dear God be the man I know you are and open up!!
    Please do not start a one world order.
    No one world currencies.
    No more bail outs
    No more government
    Tear it down it time to go back to the constitution .

  14. It will go down in history President Trump will be the greatest American President. This is the 3rd World War (4th Riech). It will not succeed. America first always. Praise God, pray for the president, and God bless America.

  15. There should be some rules imposed on these reporters, this is just ridiculous!!! 1. They should pass an IQ test 2. They should not be allowed to ask a question that any other reporter has already asked 3. They should be personally fined for breaking any rules or being disrespectful. They are after all wasting the time of our elected officials, the American people and our taxpayer dollars and I, for one am very sick of listening to them disrespect our great President! Why these media puppets act like 4 year olds on a preschool rug os just beyond me! They need to sent to the headmaster’s office for a thorough paddling and a lesson from the Good Book! “But sir, you called on me…” GROW UP and LEARN SOME MANNERS!

  16. That last lady was so rude! So argumentative! FIRST OF ALL, WHAT A STUPID AND IDIOTIC AND NONSENSICAL QUESTION! He is not making this a competition!! He’s just saying that we are doing superbly well in the area of Testing! SECOND, IF IT WASNT FOR CHINA’S LAB WE WOULDNT BE IN THIS SITUATION TODAY! AND THEY ONLY ALLOWED THAT LOWER AREA TO GET INFECTED WHICH WAS WHERE THE RIOTS WERE GOING ON FOR FREEDOM! THEY PROTECTED BEIJING! And that whole area of China which included Bill Gates labs/offices as well! This was a total planned thing by them to cripple USA and the world!

  17. People across the country get tested everyday? People do want to get sleep everyday but who want to be tested everyday? What kind of stupid question is it?
    Mr. President, when can the reporters get educated everyday for asking useful, meaningful, and constructive questions?

  18. The stupid and overdramatic and disrespectful women at the end!!!! They have no shame and no dignity or self-respect. Hate to think how their kids turn out

  19. Fuck Trump💩💩💩 Does the number of testing matter when the cases and deaths are still growing up in US????? Give me a break. That’s a bunch of malarkey!!!!

  20. He don’t believe what he is saying. There are people above him . Such as the free Mason’s. Life is strange 🤔

  21. J-Z’s 🎶 It’s a hard knock life 🎶 take it to the streets and see what REAL LIFE is all about? Unless you’ve lived REAL, had to keep it real, survive it real, deal it real and RAW, none of these numbers matter when you fight for LIFE FOR REAL and STARVE for REAL..PASS A DEAL That MATTERS THAT KEEPS IT REAL TO REAL PEOPLE!


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