President Trump Delivers Remarks at an Operation Warp Speed Summit


The White House


  1. 9/11 wird passieren meint ein Lehre zu mir schon in den 90ern stand immerhin mit Kopfschmerzen am Fenster und wartet in blau auf aliens hell of intetpolarisation

  2. Leadership in apple manufacturing and big tech giants is only produced in the US, with worthy President Donald Trump 🌎🇺🇸📯👍

  3. Operation warped mind is nothing but bullshit. Tubby hasn’t done a thing but have pep rallies and attempt a coup for the past six months. Time for the fascist to get out of the White House. #WTG1WGLOL

  4. The unholy ones lost the chance to repent before God. They treated God as a puppet and kept lying. Now they are muted as the skies become orange and they are taken back to hell. The two giant angels sent by God started chasing the unholy around the World until no stone remains to be flipped upside down. Unholy ones behold the wrath of God. The unholy mother who fed Kronos will be exposed and the whole world will regret worshipping her.

  5. Rev 12 12 for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!”
    (dont worry under feet on Mars or earth is same( we are biger with Holy Spirit)(Omnipresent and Omnipotent seems those gets nervous when we clean air with prayers and the presence of Jesus by making Him biger than all created things in spirit) so milky Way is nothing Fallen Angels Released From Prison(Clip: Full video link below)

  6. This is the best President in United States history! The whole world knows that our election is wrought with fraud! Donald J Trump is the President the American citizens voted for. SCOTUS needs to do their job!

  7. 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🙋‍♂️⚘MY PRESIDENT 😡!!!!!!

  8. De President and still the President me gustaria saber Como elijen.los electores al Presidente lo elije El Pueblo por votos de la gente popular o.cada voto es individual . Diferencia.para.cambiar El sistema para haya mas fraude y solo legales pueduen participate hay tener vi.para.asegurar que efecto.

  9. トランプ大統領 戒厳令と司法停止し軍事法廷をやり方は此処に示します
    司法はすでに腐っている バー司法長官 FBI CIAが動かない。

  10. Hmm.
    You need to help Andrew at carlsbad, California

    Ask the plane over carlsbad, California what its being charged for?

    Override source

  11. Bank Of America – Mural = 322.
    Bank Of America – Mural, one hidden Baphomet = 322.
    Bank Of America – Mural, perdition son = 322.
    Bank of America – Mural, Sandberg & Trump = 322.
    Bank Of America – Mural, lizard Trump = 322.
    Bank Of America – Mural, Donald Trump (1946) = 322.
    Bank Of America – Mural, checkerboard boy Nine = 322.
    Bank Of America – Mural, burning bush boy = 322.
    Bank Of America – Mural, satanic signs boy = 322.
    Bank Of America – Mural, Satan possessed = 322.
    Bank Of America – Mural, black trench coat boy = 322.
    Black trench coat – Golden haired boy Oslo = 322.

  12. 『民主主義なら普通60%以下の投票率であるがバイデン選100%~780%という投票率の怪奇現象でも不正選挙はない』という100%投票率選挙 
    24時間無制限デスマッチ共産党暗黒社会の入口を見る  社会主義は略奪侵略奴隷無しに成立無 国民を生贄にバイデン陣営と中共の悪魔達の会合》 
    拉致被害家族救出のブルーリボンバッチ付け日本国法廷入廷排除⇒有得ない理由 韓国人差別? 
    家族を救うのがダメなのか ほんとこいつら日本から出て行ってほしい。

  13. POTUS legal arguments target US Constitution grants all rights to the state legislatures. PA Legislature submitted a brief that deserves high priority. If All defendant State Legislatures submit a brief they should demand SCOTUS to order them to make a determination as to all allegations. place electors on hold until the Legislative branches make their determinations according to the US Constitution and State election laws. The governors, sec of states and states courts become moot in the arguments and forces the proper legislative branches to make legal decisions based upon US Constitution. SCOTUS would review their decisions to make final ruling. WIN/WIN scenario. Otherwise POTUS should trigger the Insurrection Act and clean house.

  14. Every damn time its always mess with you didnt we have impeachment inquiry alreadyy on your jfoul hot dragon breath smelly ass you just so dmn dumbfounded.

  15. Isn’t it wonderful that the UK IS FIRST to deliver the vax? Isn’t iw wonderful that SCOTUS has basically said YOU LOST and there is nothing you can do! (except concede and get ready for an onslaught of charges)

  16. 1985 – Release first Nintendo console = 322.
    1985 – Ricky Nelson plane crash “eye Nine” = 322.
    1985 – Pete Rose all time hit leader Nine = 322.
    1985 – Route 66 decommissioned = 322.
    1985 – We are the world “charity” = 322.
    1985 – Ronald Reagan president to office = 322.
    1985 – Reagan colon cancer hospital “Bush” = 322.
    1985 – Internet domain created fist Nine = 322.
    1985 – Aha band Norway take on me MTV nine = 322.
    1985 – Rainbow warrior “France DGSE” child = 322.
    1985 – Borobudur Buddhist “stupas” = 322.
    1985 – First WWE WrestleMania “child” = 322.
    1985 – Back to the future film “FOX acting” = 322.
    1985 – King Thor Haakon Sandberg = 666.
    Ingersoll Lockwood 1900 – Barron eye = 322.
    Ingersoll Lockwood “novel” 1900 eye = 322.
    Ingersoll “novel” 1900 about TRUMP = 322.
    Last president “novel” Norway = 322

  17. Proud Boys “extreme right” – Fist = 322.
    Proud Boys “right” – Washington DC = 322. Shame 😉

  18. Autorizo ao senhores participantes no momento dessa partipasao senhores desses aparelhos Andrei santos SDS pode decrubir meu neimy a da confiança dos senhores Casa Branca

  19. Want more gematria “ha ha” = 201.
    Warp speed = 44.
    Michigan = 44.
    Davos, Switzerland = 94.
    Seattle, Washington = 94.
    Coronavirus pandemic = 94.

  20. Mr. President I have supported you through these past four years, and stood up for you to those around me who made disparaging remarks about you. But it is now time for you to concede, and save the good will you have from about half of Americans. It is time now to let another in, and preserve the dignity of the office. You’ve been given a raw deal these past four years, but you must show yourself to all that you are not part of the problem but part of the solution. My best for all of your future endeavors. Thank you you for being president these past four years. It is now President Bidens turn. Keep growing your relationship with Christ, and I hope to see you in the first resurrection brother. Love, Will

  21. ICU nurse = 106.
    Black = 106.
    Long Island Jewish medical center = 293.
    Coronavirus pandemic = 293.
    Sandra = 42.
    Lindsay = 42.
    Vaccine = 42.
    Jesuit = 42.
    Tuskegee = 42.
    Slavery = 42.

  22. Thank God We all have been vaccinated. Our democracy was born vaccinated against dictatorships. Much needs to be done to improve it, but certainly loyalties we finally kept to the constitution and laws no to the patriarch and his lies; Loyalty was kept to the People not to the campaign donors, Loyalty was kept to history, not to the newcomer. The book is open to write down the names that supported the Coup D’Etat.


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