President Trump Meets with the National Association of Police Organizations Leadership


The White House


  1. 📽🎞📹📼Last chance diners Hollywood jesus serving steak/garlic bread/potato mash/fries/hamburger/sweet drink/chilled water cooks for co-star’s Hollywoodians on journey of absconding girl/lover boy lady/marriage divorcing couple’s/business share-stock market’s guys meet in a route to last chance dinner jesus and police-dress👹deville the statan disappear at the scene of businessman accident when Real👮🏻Police warn those dined character’s about to go away for stormy weather roads closed.
    And next day the black-marriage divorcing couple come to spot where they dined and found nothing there and the black-woman tries to elope with business man BMW-car which broke down and did not start🔐 her engine’s and returns to his blackman at the dining table waiting for jesus cooked hamburger with French🇫🇷 fries.

    Very jesus oriented food feeding and remorseful Gospel’s who knew everything about the dinners of Jesus food product’s of religious missionaries.

    Many faith filled projects created from bibliographies of various artistic-book lover’s cyientists with SAI🇮🇳 Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas of religious Sampark Se Samarthan Hindusim🕉🔯
    Jainism😷 with Pure flix Countries idol competitions by Simon Powell music/media/news/cinema/radio celebrities mixed cultures creating paradise-sanctuaries of condoms/needles/homelessness/roadies tent’s-forest camping.
    The Encounter (2011 film),
    The Encounter is a 2011 Christian film. The role of Jesus, in modern dress, appearing at a diner in modern-day America, is played by Bruce Marchiano who played Jesus in The Visual Bible: Matthew.[1] It is the first installment of the franchise The Encounter.

    The Encounter,
    Film poster
    Directed by- David A. R. White
    Produced by –
    Elizabeth Travis
    Brittany Lefebre
    Russell Wolfe
    Michael Scott
    David A. R. White
    Written by- Sean Paul Murphy, Timothy Ratajczak
    Bruce Marchiano
    Steve “Sting” Borden
    Jaci Velasquez
    Jamie Nieto
    Danah Davis
    Madison Gibney
    Kass Connors
    Music by- Matt Gates, Ido Waksman
    Cinematography- Darren Rydstrom
    Edited by- Sean Paul Murphy
    Production company- God & Country Entertainment
    Distributed by- Pure Flix Entertainment
    Release date- May 3, 2011
    Running time- 85 minutes
    Country- United States
    Language- English
    The Encounter follows 5 strangers living in California: Nick “Crusher” Crushetti, an Atheist NFL player and owner of a chain of burger restaurants; Hank Miller and Catherine Miller, whose marriage is falling apart; Melissa, a Christian on the way to visit her boyfriend (who is an atheist), and Kayla, a hitchhiker escaping her horrible living conditions in Los Angeles. When a detour road is closed off, the 5 are stranded in a diner with its omnipresent owner, who discreetly reveals himself to be Jesus, and attempts to help each of the patrons to face the truth in his or her life, particularly its dark side, to seek repentance and go for reconciliation.

    Along with serving them, Jesus helps Hank and Catherine re-establish dialogue as a couple, helps Melissa think of the long-term difficulties she will face in a relationship, and marriage, with her boyfriend who is a non-believer, and helps Kayla find in her heart the strength to forgive her abusive stepfather, despite everything he has done.

    Each patron at the diner ends up being either born again or is brought to a life-changing decision except for Nick, whose pride and selfishness block him and cause him to reject all questioning of his lifestyle and purpose, in spite of acknowledging having been deeply loved by his grandmother. Officer Deville (the police officer who first informed the patrons of the road being closed off) returns and tells everyone that the road has been re-opened. Nick happily leaves with Deville, who gloats that he has “taken one” from Jesus, who counters that he has “saved four”.

    As the other patrons leave the diner, they learn from an officer on the road that the road is closed again, because of a serious car accident. They learn that Nick was involved in the crash, which killed him instantly. He also reveals that he has never heard of a Police Officer named ‘Deville’. Then Kayla realizes that Deville is actually the Devil in disguise based on the pronunciation of his surname.

    The next day, Hank and Catherine find that the diner has mysteriously vanished because Jesus has managed to accomplish his mission of turning their lives around. In Thailand🇹🇭, Jesus shows up as a waiter, alluding to the 2012 sequel film, The Encounter: Paradise Lost.


    In 2012, a sequel named The Encounter: Paradise Lost was produced, with Bruce Marchiano returning to the role of Jesus. It follows six strangers who find themselves trapped by the threat of an oncoming hurricane in a beachside resort with Jesus, who attempts to spiritually redeem all of them.

    David A. R. White as Special Agent Ric Caperna
    Bruce Marchiano as Jesus
    Gary Daniels as Charlie Doles
    Robert Miano as Bruno Mingarelli
    Ammy Chanicha as Mimi Mingarelli
    Rif Hutton as Chris Ward
    Shelley Robertson as Helen Ward
    Kass Connors as Mr. Deville
    Sahajak Boonthanakit as Joseph Weinholt

    TV Series ,
    On October 14, 2016, Pure Flix uploaded a trailer for a series based on (and taking its title from) the film, which the eight-episode first season of premiered on October 21, 2016. A second season is set to take place in the near future, although a definite release date has not yet been decided.[2]

    ^ Peter Malone Screen Jesus: Portrayals of Christ in Television and Film 2012- Page 266 0810883902 Bruce Marchiano is Jesus as he was in The Visual Bible: Matthew and The Visual Bible: Acts. • The Encounter (2010, United States)—A modern story where Jesus encounters a young woman on the road. •

  2. H[w will god dad seperate sheep from wolves gravity works breezy n my brothers have jesus blood n brians still doorkeeper computer stupid compaired lord intellagent did fransays fool u twice pants down yess or no eye busted them capt its my job lords gallows im bigger still not dyeing wen doc brothers said be dead laughed ass of too bank cleaned doc brs clocks extrix breezy packing daddys atharrity family unifourm sec1444000 same blood little jesus in manger did u put toilet paper on head no so thiers ya math correct antadote they said no cain n death say no my brs in unifourms say yess lord

  3. Harmachor Saudi Arabia🇸🇦 oil’s collections by India🇮🇳Asia🌏🌍sub-continent.

    Aah sia kya KIA sport’s.

  4. Wwg1WgA& Q & Donald Trump! 🙂 God bless you,Mr.PRÄSIDENT,Dj.Trump! I Love you from Germany! Greatest Präsident Trump and Wonderful Power work for Amerika ! That is very intelligent and perfekt work ! THANK,YOU so very much Mr.PRÄSIDENT Dj.Trump! Make Amerika great again & Germany & Worldwide &Peace ! Best Man for Amerika is Mr. PRÄSIDENT Dj.Trump ! Love you! 🙂

  5. Here is a possible solution. How about:
    Arresting every Govenor, Mayor and official in every state who are defunding their police, and thereby leaving their citizenry vulnerable.
    The demonstrators are arrested and charged. But who paid them, who encouraged them?
    You cannot have a two tier justice system, by making fish of one, and flesh of another.
    Charge and try them with Anarchy, Insurrection, and Manslaughter.
    Found Guilty? A nice long prison stretch, so that any future Govs, Mayors, et al, contemplating a repeat performance – are aware that there is a legal precedent.
    From the Oval Office down, to Govenors, Mayors, et al: The Buck Stops With the Leadership.
    This has now ceased to be about individual states, this is about The Constitution, freedom, and the future of a nation and her people.
    Some very hard decisions might need to be made in the near future, this cannot keep dragging on.

  6. Dear Americans, forget your Stupid President Donald Trump.
    Listen to the advice of Dr. Anthony Fauci.
    Hold social distancing and wear masks,
    wash your hands whenever possible,
    don’t go to any mass Event,
    look at thousands of Covid-19 victims again on Tulsa,
    and try to protect yourself from this invisible Enemy.
    The COVID-19 Virus is deadly.
    Til today Today it is: 155.660
    New Infections everyday 66,000 People
    Infected: 4.642.226
    You are smarter than your Stupid President


  8. Mr. President, Mark Hatfield, who’s name is graces the U.S. Federal Courthouse in Portland was one of my father’s best friends, and a champion of the rights of the oppressed. To see the building that displays his name so disgraced is an affront to the very notion of liberty and justice… Thank you!
    RAW Interview: U.S. Attorney Billy Williams discusses damage to federal courthouse

  9. Make special police under the federal government for full support and retaking and reclaiming our streets back under law and order

  10. One of the things I took away from this is that if police forces in cities run by crazed Dem mayors decide to start policing again (despite stand-down orders), they will be supported by the Federal Gov.? Not face negative consequences? If I’m right, I hope those in attendance & other LEOs watching take it to ❤ and start protecting their cities again.

  11. People I believe that Joe Biden is going to nominate Michelle Obama As the vice president And I believe Joe Biden will not make it To November the 3rd Then they would nominate Michelle Obama As The New democratic Leader And it will make Her the Demoncratic Partys nominee for president

  12. Sad for cities like Portland and Seattle! Ridiculous. Go Trump, administration, law officers, and those that have to deal with this horrible issue.
    Shame on liberals and associations who are responsible for the total chaos in places. Just so sad about ruined buildings and businesses of hard working people. 😥

  13. We pray everyday for the protection of our law enforcement officers so they will be able to do their jobs! God bless and strengthen them and give them courage and remove the hindrances out of their way! Deliver them from all manners of evil! Father, remove the spirit of lawlessness and help them bring in order!

  14. Коммунисты однажды сожгли Рейхстаг, обвинив в этом нацистов. Сегодня китайские коммунисты хотят сжечь свободу в Гонконге, как они сожгли ее в Тибете.
    Свободу Тибету !

  15. Trump, stop your damn whining and do your damn job for once. Cop gets hit with a can of soup, rioter gets shot and killed. End of story, end of problem. Whoever tries to come back legally, they get killed with there lawyer. End of story, end of problem. If you are too f*cking afraid to kill up to millions of communists, then you have no business being president. One ? —— Why is Barak Obama still alive?

  16. The CCP regime and the communist camp have never stopped exporting their carefully packaged communist ideology to the Western
    free world. It is eroding the cornerstone and traditional values of the Western free world all the time. In particular, the “Confucius
    Institute” established by the CCP regime in the United States is the most powerful proof. Under the name of “Confucius”, it implemented
    the communist socialist ideology that was packaged by the CCP regime. And go deep into American universities, middle schools, and
    elementary schools, poisoning the next generation of the United States. If the ideology of communism cannot be removed from the
    American education system, the next generation of the United States will become the “brainless tool” hoped by the communist camp.
    The ideology held by those insurgents is no different from the violence advocated by the CCP regime. Both are derived from Marx’s
    communist ideology of “using violence to seize the world”.

  17. This material has been posted on every major news outlet on YouTube during the past 24 hours, aswell as on the following channels..

    *The Economist*
    *The White House Channel*
    *The Royal Family Channel*

    *PROOF: Coronavirus is a Plannedemic!!*

    *Not conspiracy theories!*

    *Ken Caldeira, ex-IPCC, Stanford University, Carnegie Science Foundation, is the mentor and friend of Bill Gates* is a proponent of Geoengineering as delivery system for pathogens.

    *”I am starting a new job today.I’ll be working for Bill Gates..”*

    *His tweet on 23 March 2020*

    Listen to him speak and give the game away in the following video.

    *”You could, say, put pathogens in a cloud, and have that cloud rain down on your enemy..”*


    *Page 39, GPMB Annual Report 2019/A World at Risk*

    • The Secretary General of the United Nations, with the Director-General of the WHO and Under-Secretary-General of Humanitarian Affairs strengthens coordination and identifies clear roles and responsibilities and timely triggers for a coordinated United Nations systemwide response for health emergencies in different countries and different health and humanitarian emergency

    • The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two systemwide and simulation exercises, *including one covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.*


    *WITHDRAWN: 5G technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells*


    M.Fioranelli ¹ A.Sepehri ¹, M.G. Roccia¹, M.Jafferany², O.Y.Olisova³, K.M.Lomanasov³, T.Lotti¹,³

    Affiliations + expand


    In this research we show that 5G millimeter wave could be absorbed by the dermatological cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells.DNA is built from charged electrons and atoms and has an inductor-like structure.
    This structure could be divided into linear, toroid and round inductors. Inductors interact with external electromagnetic waves, move and produce some extra waves within the cells. The shapes of these waves are similar to shapes of hexagonal and pentagonal bases of their DNA source. These waves produce some holes in liquids within the nucleus. To fill these holes, some extra hexagonal and pentagonal bases are produced. These bases could join to each other and form virus-like structures such as Coronavirus. To produce these viruses within cells, it is necessary that the wavelength of the external waves be shorter than the size of the cell. Thus 5G millimeter waves could be good candidates for applying in constructing virus-like structures such as Coronaviruses (COVID-19) within cells.

    *Keywords:* 5G technology; COVID-19; DNA; dermatologic antenna; millimeter wave.

    Copyright 2020 Biolife Sas. **

    *The paper was withdrawn from the website mentioned just above.*

    *A screenshot of the paper which I copied verbatim can be found in the following video..*



    This is the switching mechanism/ delivery system Morgellons parasite used to ‘toggle’ the virus using satellites 4G/5G as described in the scientific paper above.

    *Morgellon’s patent No.*
    *US 6245531 B1*

    *Stanford University*

    *”Polynucleotide Encoding Insect Ecdysone Receptor”*



    *Black Goo Programmable Matter – How It All Fits (Targeted in Ireland)*


    *This is where they ultimately plan to lead as part of the NWO Agenda.*

    *From Targetted in Ireland*



    *Satan’s c*****


    *It’s just a mask 🤡*


    *I AM*
    *@I AMsterdam*

  18. Kayleigh McEnany calls then-candidate Trump’s rhetoric “racist,” “hateful,” and “derogatory.” She calls Trump himself a “Republican in name only,” a “showman,” and a “sideshow.”
    And she adds ” And I’m a Liar and a political whore”
    All of these statements are true

  19. In Düsseldorf the Querdenker Demonstrations,we always say:”1,2,3, danke Polizei.We give flowers to the policemen ,we love our police.But the Goverment is hating the police they love Antifa terrorism.

  20. Maybe the places that do not want officers, the decent people can get help leaving and the vile can just eat each other. Wall them in. Got to feed them I guess but let them have their crap.

  21. If we can’t ever know the result of the election because Democrat Governors insisted on mail-in ballots, then I suppose we will have Trump as President for many many more years. Long live President Trump!

  22. I just dont understand how anyone could NOT back the cops, its unbelievable that people think cops are killers. Having multiple family members working as state police, it really is horrible.

  23. Love my President and all the Police who work so hard to keep us safe,God Bless you for all you do for our Country 🇺🇸

  24. Lol 21:40 Trump got pulled over for speeding in New Jersey. I can relate! So many state troopers on their highways!

  25. We love you Trum and your Republican Party 2020🎈🎈🎈🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️❤️👮‍♀️👮‍♀️👮‍♀️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


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