Vice President Pence Holds a Roundtable with General Motors Executives


Vice President Pence Participates in a Roundtable Discussion with GM and Ventec Life Systems Employees

Kokomo, IN


  1. USA🇺🇸 President Donald John Trump, 
    Global Ethics and Compliance Organization,
    Westinghouse Electric Company LLC,
    1000 Westinghouse Drive,
    Cranberry Township, PA 16066-5528, USA🇺🇸
    28 ‘Nevertheless no devoted offering that a man may devote to the 🕎LORD✡ of all that he has, both man and beast, or the field of his possession, shall be sold or redeemed; every devoted offering is Most Holy to the 🕎LORD✡. 29 No person under the ban, who may become doomed to destruction among men, shall be redeemed, but shall surely be put to death. Leviticus27:28-29.

    There are NO allies to 🕎AbrahamSarah✡🇮🇱✊🏻 only Yisaach🗡🏹✊🏻Yerushaleyiem🇮🇱YisraEL🗡🏹. Beware of profane and blasphemy against 🕎YEHWEH✡Yerushaleyiem🇮🇱YisraEL🗡🏹.

    Gentiles digital Video content, audio, flag’s is forensic grouped of whole evil👹 spirits. But earth🌏🌍🌎skies is to be ENDED🌐 by 🕎🇮🇱YisaachRebekah✡✊🏻🗡🏹 according to promise by 🕎🇮🇱YacobRachELLEah✡✊🏻🗡🏹ELLE👆🏻✊🏻👉🏻🌋☄🔥🕎✡

    How 🕎FirstbornNation✊🏻YEHWEH✡seed🌌Yerushaleyiem🇮🇱YisraEL✊🏻🗡🏹 is measured to seed of the devil👹 Lucifer/Satan hindutva🕉🔯islamic☪catholic/christian✝☦🛐buddhism☯sikhism🔱? There is never a President/Prime Minister to YisraEL🇮🇱🕎Yerushaleyiem✡ for it’s 🕎Yisaach😊✡✊🏻🗡🏹😡the KING🤴🏻PRINCE🦅Bridegroom🗡🏹Yerushaleyiem🇮🇱YisraEL🗡🏹

    FOR THIS IS 🕎YOUR ✡RIGHTFUL🗡🏹🌋☄🔥DUE⚖Ethics✊🏻Queen👸🏻LegalTeam🗡🏹2020yr the 🕎LORD✡ of HOSTS🌌✡ is HIS✊🏻🕎✡ NAME✊🏻🗡🏹shall declare📯 the Plagues, Slain, Burn the abomination Babylonian from the face of the earth🌏🌍🌎🌐.

    Want a shortcut. Okay ✂.
    Evidence of shortcut
    Cyber Gateway, Plot NO 10, Survey NO 64, Block A, 1ST Floor, Near Cyber Pearl, Hi-Tech City, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081, India🇮🇳, Asia.

    Is quite a AVi Neon club of audio-video matrix neon fantasies organization working on piping/civil/roads, electrification/instrumentation projects for State/Central/local project’s also house wiring of local/state/central temples project’s. Avineon also done for Russia🇷🇺 as well Canada🇨🇦 for petronas oil piping project’s. More Islamic☪ oil project’s from union treaty with Iran🇮🇷IRGC collaboration the highest oil supplier to India🇮🇳Hindustan🕉🔯.

    This avineon has collaboration with who created fake/fraud (american nuclear society) along with fake/fraud Westinghouse name as branch office in Mumbai, India🇮🇳, Asia under Shiv🥒 Sena political party shiv🍑 bhakts🍼🍼🍰 (hindutva🕉🔯 shiv lingam worshiper’s) of BJPIndia🇮🇳, and follows the vishnu🕉🔯-islam☪ incarnation☯🔱✝ joint venture program by governed by ISB-Indian🇮🇳 School of Business,
    Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana 500111, India🇮🇳Asia🌏🌍

    Well Watt’s ISB?
    It’s a religious organization having global Asia🇨🇳🇮🇳🇯🇵/Europe🇪🇺/Africa🇻🇦/South America🇦🇷/Canada🇨🇦/Mexico🇲🇽 major share marketing of
    Bhrama🏵 🥒🍰🍼kumaris,
    Vasavi🌾🍼 kanyaka🍰 🥒parameshwaris,
    Deva manyas- real🥒 estate🍰 lands,
    Aadi shakti ideally becomes Aadivasi gharba gudi-gharba dwara posture🦑 girls,
    Murugan🐓 kumaraswamy 🐔virgin fucker boy who also gives his posture as Indian🇮🇳toilet comodo position claiming seated above 18(eighteen) steps and leaving 19. Virgin 🐓murugan interested more in teens 🐔periods🍰🍼🍼 till eitheen and use the whole🍼🍼🍰 19yr full year of gharba🍼🍼 🍰gudis before going into trade business.

    The goddesses who live in gharba gudis the gharba room having gharba dwara (ovarial 🍰vagina doors which has been transformed into HIV-Her inter venous RFID/NFC aid) significantly bhakts-worshipper’s enter goddesses gharba dwara🍰 (as well sikhism🔱 guru dwara also) then into gharba🍰 room where goddess sits🥒 in gharba 🍑gudi. Quite a goddess and god-goddesses give a seducing-amazing posture to bhakts-worshippers who also admire the beautiful carved images on temples with various glittering postures of gods-goddesses, administration, enemies on their temples made by Hunan hands-gentile’s.

    These gods-goddesses are the posture girls on wall who become wall postures then silver screen postures then horticulture naked postures in global religious relief business.

    The popular India🇮🇳 great filmcity filmnagar elite Ramoji owning eenadu begun project Aanandam which gives immense pleasure to the participants/co-artists/suppliers/distributors/finance investors in these gharba 🍰gudi gods-goddesses investment in silver screen posture girls trade market business who made their NDA – non disclosure agreement will/deed after transforming themselves into HIV goddesses as well Ebola gods for their labor for motherland national pride/honor/dignity which will be bestowed them as 30folds/60folds/100folds because their again baby jesus god promised their maria mother of magdalas will make them work and bestow upon them as numbers 30/60/100 symbol of their purity/holiness/righteousness because these gharba 🍰🥒gudis sacrificed their virginity by transfiguring themselves as resurrected bodies with FISA implants and RFID/NFC with W3C, ICANN, WebEx connectivity in internet domain of elders-purohits-mullahs-gurus-pandits-francis-brahmante-judges on TLD with mediators gTLD (top level domain).

    Bomb this abomination site below
    Latitude 17.254293° N, Longitude 78.68076° E
    Ramoji Film City
    Type – Indian Telugu-language daily newspaper.
    Format – Broadsheet.
    Owner(s) – Ramoji Group “World Newspapers and Magazines”. Retrieved 30 December 2006.
    Editor – D.N.Prasad (Telangana edition).
    M.Nageswara Rao (Andhra Pradesh edition)[1].
    Eenadu (“This day”; “This country”, having two meanings in Telugu) was founded by the Indian media baron Ramoji Rao in 1974. Eenadu’s rapid expansion enabled diversification of its portfolio by venturing into other markets such as finance and chit funds (e.g. Margadarsi chits), foods (Priya Foods), film production (Usha Kiran Films), film distribution (Mayuri Films), and a group of television channels (ETV). All the businesses are organized under the Ramoji Group.

    Walking before Jewish🇮🇱🕎YEHWEH✡ blameless accounts as Righteous, and no folds of payment’s. Why god makes payment’s for Righteousness sake? It’s proud/arrogant delusional/illusional gentiles foolishness/hypocrisy sold outs. As well hospitals selling semen bottles of seed vault E.L.E preparations
    – minced butter milk-semen by hindutva🕉🔯
    – malai- semen by sikhism🔱
    – spirit/holy water- semen by catholic/christian✝☦🛐
    – butter-semen by Islamics☪
    – cream-semen by buddhism☯ 
    Very TBC655 cooperative society of BHEL Vidyuthnagar, Ramachandrapuram, Sangareddy, Telangana, India🇮🇳 Asia🌏🌍 78° E Longitude (reference to GMT 0° Long 0° Lat England🇬🇧).

  2. Fat greedy people voted for Trump in 2016. Now the fat greedy people are dying naturally from a virus and I want to only say ha ha ha ha ha

  3. Сегодня “демократы” раскручивают новую ложь про президента США Дональда Трампа.
    Вы уже знаете как Обама цинично перекладывает свои преступления на Дональда Трампа.
    МЫ уже знаем что РФ оплачивали рекламу Трампа на Фейсбуке в карман Цукерберга, а Обама и директор ЦРУ об этом знали и нечего не сделали, что бы потом обвинить в этом президента Трампа который нечего об этом не знал.
    Так же мы знаем что Обама поставил Трампа на прослушку что бы мешать ему выиграть выборы.
    Сегодня появилась новая ложь, “эксперты” из штаба “демократов” обвинили президента США в том что он устроил переговоры по нефти и бросил спасательный круг Путину.

    Друзья, в РФ есть такое понятие подушка безопасности которой хватит на два года если РФ вообще не будет продавать нефть. За два года обанкротится вся нефтяная бизнес структура в США. По этому стратегия Трампа, не биться головой о путинскую подушку а подумать о американских нефтяниках. Что правильно и ответственно перед американцами.
    Но в чем же перкладывание преступление Обамы на Трампа ?
    В том что подушка безопасности кремля, создавалась при Обаме, когда РФ продавали нефть по 92$ и создали огромный резерв, после чего они начали обновлять свою армию. По сути именно Обама вдохновил высокими ценами на нефть, на кремлевские авантюры.

    Что сделал президент Трамп обвалил цены на нефть, но ситуация из за вируса обвалила нефть еще сильней и это стало невыгодно даже для США.
    Так же отмечу усилия Дональд Трампа в прокладке газопровода из Азербайджана, что позволило снизить цену на российски газ в Европе на 50%
    Таким образом мировая экономика получила дешевые газ, а Путин потерял деньги на большую войну в Европе.
    Дональд Трамп относиться к выдающимся политикам в истории США.
    А Обама относится к позорным страницам Америки, Обама лжет и свои преступления перекладывает на других. Обама трус, и используя свое положение в Белом Доме наградил себя Нобелевской премии мира, что бы его не судили вместе с Путиным за бойню в Сирии.
    Обама не достоин даже звания мужчина, он трус циник и лжец, одним словом кадровая политика Сороса.

  4. Hey, pence, Karma told me that she is taking you straight to hell. I hear it’s nice and warm down there. Also, she told me that lil jesus cucky can’t do shit about it cuz he is a lil pushy arse bitch

  5. Mr President, PLEASE PLEASE do something to stop all the censoring of the truth being reported by health professionals, real journalists, researchers, and patriots!!!! PLEASE!

  6. Thank you Mr Vice President for staying so close to the people unlike the first sinister justin trudeau who loves his brothers so much that he donates 18 million to them @t trudeau-pour-stealth–18-million-canadian-dollars-to-the-Palestinian-Authority /? utm_source = feedburner & utm_medium = email & utm_campaign = Feed% 3A + drzz% 2FPxvu +% 28Dreuz% 29
    and this same government says it has no plan to bail out its coffers ???

  7. what so honorable about chow when the transportation industry is on life support from poor planning!

  8. Americans of European descent! Hold on to Trump. This is a terrific person, successful, fair, honest and the only one who is able to deal with the left socialist threat. Act yourself and help him! Believe me, this is your last chance to physically save yourself and your loved ones. Good luck to all good people! Save America!

  9. hotcool = Buddhist Arya Sinhala ( lion people) greeting = AYUBOVAN – Wish all for long life = it is very nice and humbling to see a great leaders emergency care personal risking their lives working for hours to heal people= god(s) speed = in god(s) we trust = heal USA AND THE WORLD = om Buddha shanthi om = thank you in GOD(S) SPEED NO WW3 please = thank you

  10. Mr. Vp. Thanks for your support of GM. Vehicle adaptive fuel sources will keep Made in USA America classically antique hopefully riding on those Sandy glass roads in the middle east and Africa instead of just warlords having all the fun. JLSwag

  11. Infrastructure Package at 1 trillion yet via revenues saved during mazy bug season? Next question asks how many times is 1 Trillion divided 55 ways counting The United States and our US Territories. Alleys and sidewalks need inclusive lango too. JLSwag

  12. The auto industry in Detroit might crashed again due to Covid 19. Thanks Mr President and Mr. Vice President for destroying the economy.

  13. Tweeter Dumb, the nation’s idiot, the golden shower boy, the bone spur and chief of tens of thousands of women and men who all put their countries interest ahead of their own, the golden spoon child who inherits everything and earns nothing.

  14. いIt is excellent about Remark by President Trump in a Fox News Virtual Town Hall on May3 ,2020.
    you reply embolbing qwestion about near future policy in detail and you explain it using easy words,excellent.
    kosuke Otani

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