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World Health Organization, WHO Mission: Providing leadership on global health matters – Shaping the health research agenda – Setting norms and standards – Articulating evidence-based policy options – Providing technical support to countries and monitoring – Assessing health trends. WHO has six regional offices and 147 country offices.

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对COVID-19大流行期间的症状感到困惑或担忧?观看此动画获取提示。 更多信息:www.who.int/epi-win

COVID-19 и сезонный грипп или простуда

Не знаете, как отличить простуду от симптомов COVID-19? Вот несколько советов. Подробности на сайте www.who.int/epi-win

COVID-19 y la estación de resfriados y gripe

¿No tiene claros los síntomas o le preocupa tener alguno durante la pandemia de COVID-19? En este vídeo animado encontrará consejos. Más información:...

La COVID-19 pendant la saison des rhumes et des grippes

Vous avez un doute sur vos symptômes ou ceux-ci vous inquiètent en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19 ? Vous trouverez des conseils dans...

Media briefing on COVID-19

Media briefing on #COVID19 with @DrTedros

Every move counts – webinar

Every move counts: launch of the WHO guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour, broadcast live on 26 November 2020 Learn more here: https://www.who.int/health-topics/physical-activity

Media briefing on COVID-19

Media briefing on #COVID19 with @DrTedros

Release of the global estimates of the need for rehabilitation

On 2 December 2020, WHO held a webinar to present key findings from the newly released “Global estimates of the need for rehabilitation based...

Universal health coverage (UHC): New WHO tool to help countries reach health for all

One of WHO’s three strategic goals is to ensure that an additional one billion people in the world achieve better health and are protected...

WHO Director-General message on Universal Health Coverage Day

It's Universal Health Coverage Day! Health For All promotes and protects our: ✅ livelihoods 🛒 businesses 📈 economies 👩‍🎓 education ⚖️ gender equality 🕊️ peace ♻️ sustainability 🌴 the environment & more.