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World Health Organization, WHO Mission: Providing leadership on global health matters – Shaping the health research agenda – Setting norms and standards – Articulating evidence-based policy options – Providing technical support to countries and monitoring – Assessing health trends. WHO has six regional offices and 147 country offices.

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Universal health coverage (UHC): New WHO tool to help countries reach health for all

One of WHO’s three strategic goals is to ensure that an additional one billion people in the world achieve better health and are protected...

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is caused by a virus, NOT by bacteria

The virus that causes COVID-19 is in a family of viruses called Coronaviridae. Antibiotics do not work against viruses. Some people who become ill with...

Support Nurses and Midwives

When the 72nd World Health Assembly, in May 2019, designated 2020 as the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife (YONM), no one...

Dr Tedros talks about the importance of contact tracing in the context of COVID-19...

"We learned during Ebola outbreaks in the DRC that no matter how bad the situation is, there's always hope.‬ The same applies to our...

Human rights: Violence against women

#RightToABetterWorld episode 4 of 4: Violence against women For decades, human rights-based tactics have been used to drive progress towards achieving sexual and reproductive health...

تضامن عالمي – خدمات قادرة على الصمود

لم ينته بعد وباء فيروس العوز المناعي البشري من العالم وقد يتسارع انتشاره أثناء جائحة كوفيد-19، ليخلف أثراً مدمراً على المجتمعات المحلية والبلدان. وتدعو...

Отчет ВОЗ о глобальной устранению трансжиров

Два года назад Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ) начала целенаправленно содействовать исключению промышленно производимых трансжиров из состава пищевой продукции во всем мире, и на сегодняшний...

Intoxication au plomb : Quatre choses à savoir sur le plomb

Le plomb est un métal toxique dont l’utilisation généralisée a causé une contamination environnementale importante et des problèmes de santé dans de nombreuses régions...