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World Health Organization, WHO Mission: Providing leadership on global health matters – Shaping the health research agenda – Setting norms and standards – Articulating evidence-based policy options – Providing technical support to countries and monitoring – Assessing health trends. WHO has six regional offices and 147 country offices.

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To stop stronger Covid-19 variants from emerging we need to work together globally

Ensuring equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines is more critical than ever to address the evolving pandemic. If some parts of the world eliminate the...

Stopping the spread of Covid-19 variants

When a virus is widely circulating in a population and causing many infections, the likelihood of the virus mutating increases. The more opportunities a...

What causes a virus to change?

When a virus is widely circulating in a population and causing many infections, the likelihood of the virus mutating increases. The more opportunities a...

Что нам нужно знать о вакцинах против COVID-19?

В странах начинается вакцинация против COVID-19, и у многих людей возникают вопросы и сомнения. Безопасны ли вакцины? Короткий ответ - да, безопасны, но есть...

WHO and UNICEF partner to bring quality assistive devices to people living with disabilities

Globally, there’s a lack of access to quality tools and devices that support people living with disabilities, such as hearing aids, mobility aids (i.e....


随着COVID-19疫苗在世界各地推广 ,许多人在问预期会出现什么情况——尤其是,这些疫苗安全吗?答案是肯定的。但这里还有一些你可能觉得有用的信息。

¿Qué debemos saber sobre las vacunas contra la COVID-19?

En este momento en que en el mundo se empiezan a distribuir vacunas contra la COVID-19, muchas personas se formulan varias preguntas y, concretamente,...

Vaccins anti-COVID-19 : ce qu’il faut savoir

À mesure que la vaccination anti-COVID-19 se met en place à travers le monde, beaucoup de gens demandent à quoi il faut s’attendre, en...

LIVE: Launch of the World Report on Hearing

Globally over 430 million people experience disabling hearing loss, a number that could grow to nearly 700 million by 2050. When unaddressed, hearing loss...