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World Health Organization, WHO Mission: Providing leadership on global health matters – Shaping the health research agenda – Setting norms and standards – Articulating evidence-based policy options – Providing technical support to countries and monitoring – Assessing health trends. WHO has six regional offices and 147 country offices.

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WHO’s recommended fabric mask materials and composition

WHO has released an updated mask guidance in June 2020 which can be found here: www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/when-and-how-to-use-masks It has updated information on a new study released on...

Dr Mike Ryan talks about young people’s role in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic

"It is hard to put your life on hold, but we need young people's energy, to take control of our society and our future,...

Dr Tedros talks about the role of each individual in stopping COVID-19 from spreading

"We’re asking everyone to treat the decisions about where they go, what they do and who they meet with as life-and-death decisions – because...

How to break the chains of transmission.

No matter where you live or who you are, each of us can help to break the chains of COVID-19 transmission. Watch the video...

Towards a hepatitis-free future

In the midst of COVID-19, viral hepatitis is continuing to affect millions of lives. On 28 July, World Hepatitis Day, WHO is reminding countries...

WHO Special Initiative for Mental Health, 2019-2023.

In 2018, the WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, identified mental health as an area for which action should be accelerated. The result was...