Colorado Gov. Jared Polis on Police Reform: ‘We Need a Cultural Transition’ | NowThis


Colorado Gov. Jared Polis is signing a sweeping police reform bill into law on Juneteenth, which will be some of the most comprehensive legislation passed since the death of George Floyd on May 25.
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In US news and current events today, in an interview with NowThis’ Versha Sharma, Colorado Governor Jared Polis announced that he will sign a sweeping police reform bill on Juneteenth. It will be some of the most comprehensive legislation passed since the death of George Floyd on May 25. The Denver Post described it as ‘historic.’

The Colorado legislation removes qualified immunity for cops; sets limits on police use of force, including limiting the ability to shoot at fleeing suspects; bans chokeholds; and mandates criminal charges for officers who don’t intervene when a fellow officer is violating policies.

‘This is, in my estimation, the largest single advancement of individual civil rights and liberties for Coloradans in a generation,’ Denver civil rights attorney Qusair Mohamedbhai told The Denver Post:

In this episode of our interview series ‘Answer This,’ Polis addresses Colorado’s regional approach to reopening in the wake of COVID-19 & his message during Pride month, which comes on the heels of this week’s SCOTUS ruling against workplace discrimination for LGBTQ+ Americans.

‘Answer This’ is a new interview series featuring U.S. governors discussing the issues you care about most.

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  1. First you need to let that white governor go! cause this guy basically still representing white supremacists groups. How dumb can you be to believe?

  2. so…no demilitarization???…what about teargas???…social professionals for 911???…just more law policing itself???…dog eat dog biting the feeding hand???

  3. This is great news! Now we can gather all the criminals in one state since no one will ever be arrested…all the cops will undoubtably leave for fear of all of the frivolous law suits that will be filed against them. Good luck CO.

  4. I like this but
    Still Lengthen
    The Training
    For Police Units
    Like Norway and other countries where the longer the training the less deaths due to police will be


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