Colorado Gov. Polis gives update after meeting with President Trump


Colorado Gov. Jared Polis hosted a news conference to discuss his Wednesday meeting with President Trump regarding COVID-19 supplies and the economy.


  1. I think Polis is doing a real good job with the information he has, and he clearly does care. I’m not sure how accurate the data really is, though. Let’s open up restaurants and get this economy rolling again. I’m out there walking around supporting small businesses. You can’t live in fear.

  2. This guy is a coward, having plants and sidewalks being installed, unconstitutionally signing executive orders, he doesnt support or stand for his Oath. Remove him from office our taxes are blatantly wasted unconcstitutionally taken to sugar coat a turd. Our roads are garbage and this guy is a joke.

  3. Not a Colorado resident. Your Governor seems to be a decent person who is taking the high road. Kudos to him for that. We need more public servants who are willing to rise above the noise and provide measured leadership. He has a tough job … he cannot possibly please everyone. As far as the comments regarding skiing, the President was just making small talk. He was not commenting one way or another about ski operations in Colorado. And regarding the outputs due to public-private partnerships, the federal task force helped make those arrangements. So it seems reasonable to celebrate achievements from them.

  4. Don’t believe Trump.
    He won’t give you test.
    Tests will drive up the numbers of sick and death.
    He doesn’t want that.

  5. they should hurry up with that vaccine. we cant wait no more. everyday people are getting infected. and they need more of the remdesevir going cuz i keep hearing that people are not getting it.

  6. You should wear your mask at all times. The tests have a pretty high false negative rate. A false sense of security isn’t the same as safety. Also, there is no evidence for, and growing evidence against, long term immunity. There are plenty of similar viruses out there that we don’t have long term immunity to. Just having positive antibodies, isn’t a guarantee you can’t get it again.

  7. 2000 test for a day. then you got that many cases! look at Washington State almost twice as much test vs Colorado we have more case!


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