Gov. Polis announces more guidance for event spaces, how counties can move to next step


Colorado Gov. Jared Polis on Monday announced guidance on some loosened restrictions surrounding event spaces, how counties can move to the “protect our neighbors” phase of the COVID-19 response and the end of the legislative session.


  1. This man singlehandedly destroyed 16,000 self owned (llc) or sole proprietorship buisness, because of these regulations under polis, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, thanks for no economic mobility, almost thought thousands of blacks were gonna have jobs and use their economic power, good thing they are dependent on welfare!!!!

  2. Isn’t Colorado law written to override a governor who’s abused his power by circumventing the constitutional freedoms we’re born with?

  3. Wtf is this lunatic gonna do this coming winter? It’s going to come back in the winter….shut down the city for another 4 months to “flatten the curve”??? Asshat!

  4. #DoingMyPart to vote this clown out of office in 2022 is something I can hardly wait for. He and his mask are a freaking joke!


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