How to properly fit your mask


During the COVID-19 pandemic, a properly fitted mask reduces your risk of COVID-19. Know your risk, lower your risk.

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  1. Thank you Chairman Xi for the information. Your loyal subjects at the WHO are very proud to serve you and should get an extra ration portion this week.

  2. Old is gold world birth people very hycinic village people outside travel inside house out side hands legs wash this generations world super hycinic guides your video chennal mask very healthy safe nose mouth virus spread mask mind health safe health happy safe thanks sir

  3. I’m not taking advice from an organisation that stated all white people are racist, refused to condemn Muslim countries which announced they will only vaccinate Christians last, and demanded people in third world countries be vaccinated before Europeans. The W.H.O. is true scum.

  4. Hilarious. Like thinking underwear will stop a fart. Everyone is insane – including demented biden for rejoining Chinese owned, lying WHO.


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