How to wear a fabric mask safely


A fabric mask can act as a barrier to prevent the spread of the virus. However, it must be used correctly and always combined with other measures to protect yourself and everyone else. Here is how to wear a fabric mask safely.
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  1. I’ll just leave this here:
    science daily publication-
    “Cloth masks: Dangerous to your health?”
    Date:April 22, 2015
    Source:University of New South Wales
    “The trial saw 1607 hospital healthcare workers across 14 hospitals in the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi, split into three groups: those wearing medical masks, those wearing cloth masks and a control group based on usual practice, which included mask wearing.
    Workers used the mask on every shift for four consecutive weeks.
    The study found respiratory infection was much higher among healthcare workers wearing cloth masks.
    The penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97% compared to medical masks with 44%.”

  2. Does anyone at the WHO not understand fundamental respiratory optimization and the correlational to cellular metabolic activity within our Lymphocyte (white blood cells) immune system? The proper ratio of (O2) consumption to (CO2) production (RQ) (Respiratory Quotient) varies between 0.7 and 1.0 . This is a delicate and balanced ratio of oxygen inhaled to Carbon Dioxide exhaled. Use of masks under prolonged regular every day conditions and activities inhibits proper Oxygen (O2) consumption and creates toxic Carbon Dioxide (CO2) accumulation. Simply put wearing masks will accomplish the exact opposite of what optimal immune response to a virus requires. This is so common sensical and yet so critical to proper cellular immune response function that it’s mind boggling that science organizations like the WHO are spewing out such ridiculous nonsense!

  3. Here is an ” *IMO PSA* ” … You’re better off using *cold* water than hot. The level of heat required to sanitize will not be coming out of your faucet. Even if it did, you would not be able to hold your hands under such heat for long enough. Cold water can be obtained through the tap, and will slow the growth of cells. Also, *2 meters* ( _the minimum_ ) for social distancing, not one. It’s my opinion that storing the mask in a sealed air-tight bag (like a “ziploc”) is a _bad_ idea. That provides a stable moist environment for cellular growth. I believe that storing it in a heavy (sturdy, thick, etc) paper bag is a *much* better procedure.

    After thoroughly cleaning the mask with soap and water, rinsing it, and letting it air dry (or putting it in the dryer with your other laundry), put the mask in the paper bag and close the bag well by rolling or folding up the opening. Store it in a cool dark place (perhaps in a basement cupboard if available). This will allow the bag to absorb moisture from the mask, inhibiting the growth of nasties. If you have any of those desiccant packets (the little packets of sandy stuff that say “DO NOT EAT” that come with some products to keep them dry) then I would put them in the bag as well, to further reduce moisture.

    Remember, the three vital elements for germs to grow: *Moisture* , *Warmth* , *Food* (“food” being virtually anything organic).


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