I wear a mask because (18 secs)


CDC staff give their reasons for wearing a mask.

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  1. I wear a mask because it is ABSOLUTELY USELESS! Stifles my breathing, offers almost Zero protection, make me with asthma be short of breath all day, and because I have to if I don’t want to be fired.
    What was that CDC? WHEN THE PANDEMIC FIRST STARTED AND WE WERE ALL SCARED U SAID: “SERIOUSLY PEOPLE STOP BUYING ALL THE MASKS, THEY WILL NOT PROTECT YOU.” Now that they are known to be useless and covid isn’t a threat u wanna muzzle us to keep up ur facade that enables ur tyrannical control on the masses. = busted.

  2. Fuck the mask policy. Fuck Fauci and Birx. I have done the numbers. This has devolved into fear tactics to shamefully and disgracefully manipulate the election. The truth about Covid-19 and masks has been censored. The CDC is corrupt and deserves to be thoughrouly purged of it’s corrupt and partisan leaders. You have betrayed the American people and forced a pointless economic crisis upon the population of America. To continue your fear mongering is to prove that you should be held accountable for the economic disaster you created. Defund CDC salaries.

  3. You need to put commercials out because people know that masks do not stop viruses. If they did work you are guilty of allowing millions to die of the yearly flu because there has never been a mask mandate for that.

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