Live Q&A on COVID-19 diagnostics and essential health services with Hanan Balkhy and Edward Kelley



  1. Why hasn’t the CDC corporation isolated it in USA. Is it possible that it doesn’t exist? Or not available to isolate. An open end disease.

  2. Hmm. The antibodies seem not to last. What do you think of the research going on with production of
    T- cells in a vaccine ???

  3. OCT 28/’20~Thank You…and with level of optimism ..which I hardly keep on the daily level get back to this organisation ..I am located in Canada going through the Canadian housing apartheid …after the becoming homeless due to mold in building disabled person who is also self thought in this language …that bring to the prospective extreme also of ethnocentrism and luck of validation to the work of language that I just yesterday am trying to organize as thought and directions about re…than what should be international validation and protection of mental health and cognetive progress of people who are not recognized even that their second language is ( there we are my concentration is falling of the dificulties)that …secodn language is not considered in context of scoope of bariers as learning difficulty ..and so ..nor progress that could be validated outside of the context of integration based in their ways of socio economic model …its unsepakable….this rises the question of communiction in time of such crisisi as well within the sectors of long terns care their shelters and other health care institutional setings …( I wont have time to edit spelling error here ) ..ugly world of coertion of colonial method that other people adopt also as they struggle to climb social strata…so we need to have WHO in trully futuristick way adapted to the times and progress needed…WE need department for the mental health holisitic cultural consideration …oneneeds to be organised for the workers as well..who must obey policies that do not have protections in place…who am I ..I had numeros mental health nervebreakdown of anguish being expose to their shelters..likre I was as disabled person even 3 times hit by other clinets ..with no (this is shoking ) with no transcript offered about incidents by the stuff…I still hold them accountable and I manage to achieve level of their modification in behaviour.. to be more respectfull ..but its schoking….in this concept of futurism … we need to build these departments..I can’t all respected present as audeince and speakers..while am still under mental anquish…talk about my traumas…in details ..that I could have as individuals ..when the time is right for me ..I will finde the way to talk with that and when I felll..but in summary Canada under present leadership in poloicy making sector didn’t pss surveilance to work for victims of tortures…violence against gender…they are..extreme at this point ..its disturbing…Canad had dominant politick of demografic nationalism and for that reason there is stil mengtality of entitelment and control friking on peoiple who don’t bring money to country and who cant sell their skills ij demand for suplay of the employment where you need language …so they are not integrated ..with advanced mode… the moment I am concer that also level of accomodations for the transitional needs of different age groups is not as well egsisting …you have to understand I am not suported to …study here in any other way that would brings faster changes …nor my inteligence is validated in any other way than as opositio to what I am vitnesing that is aprthaid culture..this is very damaging to me …I was sleeping oI hope you will be able to ver the chairs for two and halph years literally with head over the bugy as disabled person ..I wasnt ready to go to shelters that I dont know anything about …was not socily propered for relation to potencial violence ..I stay where I estimate could for the security reason have more control ..hoewer it didnt hapened that way .. I had tyo sleep over the chairs..I had to suffer physical harm .,I cant juts move toi new environement with my listening skills barreier in second langauage …it takes extreme of vigilance that makes me very tiered and my brain stresed out..its unspeakbaler ..there was literally method of torture on elderly clients practised by means of coertions to discharges from shelter this way ..please thgis will be disturbing ..aftre sleeping on over the chairs set in bed ..older women with .later learned certain brain injury and impaitment crrying the stick for disabled ..soemthing woth her hip wasnt functional ..and after experiencing crisis from living there ..she was after all the sleep deprivation which is torture ..send in middle of winter night by the coertion of discharge…CANADA of those policy making sectors MOVE BACK ….MOVE BACK …I am sorry ladies and gentelman I am geting agrivieited again ….( no its not gonna work untill its changed…)we also need international rights on this ….to all of you thank you ..I have no time now to edit ..stay well…and my hope is you will be able to read even with spelling errors..we are fighting now in described context chauvinizm and fascism …and as always this is battle of right ….wish you well…by.

  4. Lock this Criminal Organization Away Already!? How is it with all the proof over CVD-19 alone and the W.H.O.’s lying ways who’s leader is NOT even a doctor but he does cross dress in woman’s apparel & loves his daily drink more than most!!

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