LIVE with Dr Tedros at Davos Agenda – A Great New Contract for Health and Healthcare



  1. .
    This is my life & my commitment, Sir David Attenborough.

    We are only tenants of the Earth. We already have to leave. But we will leave a decent home for the children.

    I promise you.

    We are a TEAM 🇺🇳💝
    I am here to HELP 🙏

  2. In my Opinion one of the most important Government organizations in the world. It would be a huge honor if i could be member in a WHO Task Force or be a general director.

  3. TAIPEI (AFP) – Taiwan demanded an apology from the World Health Organisation (WHO) chief on Thursday (April 9) after he accused the island’s government of leading personal attacks against him and his agency’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

  4. When compared the mortality rate in 2020 with previously years there is no increase.. I guess that there were infections like covid 19 killing many people every year. It is the development of diagnostic technology over years detecting deaths without unknown origin.. Although obesity , heart disease , smoking and diabetes kills more than covid every year .they even have not realised how ineffective they are. Dont fight with mosquitos.. just dry the swamp.. prevent the chronic diseases because it can be done..

  5. what about our immune system, to help to keep us healthy, about healthy food and organic food , to keep us healthy. or natural therapy, – it s so powerful, but they ignor it because dosen-t bringh them money

  6. Transcription from Mr Tedros speech: “During the H1N1 pandemic in 2009 safe and effective vaccins were developed. But by the time the world got access the pandemic was over.” Well, the number of infections dropped and everybody tought the plandemic is soon over and we go back to “before”… but suddenly they announced mutations and it was permissible to put even more restrictions on the people. What can we do? Take time and read the WHO website, e.g. the ACT accelerator tracker and see who was giving money to which organization. You will understand which countries cannot get out of this spiderweb. Get politically involved!


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