Media briefing on COVID-19



  1. We know that and ready to tell us all this types of covid-19 vaccine it’s is need Good restoration and to used according their cares about administer before inoculation.

  2. was ist denn jetzt mit den Übertragungen ?
    wo sind Studien zu asymthomatischen und präsymtomatische Virusträgern?
    Wieviele Partikel sind infektiös?
    Ist die Hauptübertragung aerogen?
    Warum werden nur Impfstoffe besprochen und nicht die Prävention???

  3. Thank you for WHO, more than 2 million people died ! Shame for all people who works in WHO! I downloaded each person’s name and work out their families! SHAME ON ALL OF YOU ! I hope all your family will suffer all victims suffered from Wuhan 🦠! SHAME ON YOU

  4. The WHO are responsible for allowing the Wuhan virus to infect the world by their inaction in October 2019. That’s why Trump withdrew funding.


  6. WHo has become an affiliated organization of China. I wonder whether the expers was investigate the epimedic or it was just an another sight seeing tour.

  7. The snake in your logo says it all.
    You are all destroying this planet and humanity through ypur evil ngo’s!

    Destroy these organisations fast to save the world : IMF / WEF / WHO / UN / CCP and the world shall return to normal without these narcistic billionaires who try to privatise the whole world for themselves.

    Your greed will bring your downfall
    Nobody believes you anymore and see what you are doing

  8. Is CHINA BLACKMAILED W H O ? YOU ALL NEED TO BE FIRED ! Kick out, exiled, discharged for work at ( w h o ) or any health organization not even of a doctor office. Now we can never believe anything that y’all tell us “ world “. Y’all really screwed the pooch on this one.

  9. — Reporting like this without perspective and comparison or knowledge , should be viewed as fraudulent and criminal for conspiracy to induce unfounded global mass hysteria!

    — The so called infectious disease experts have been calling out these hypothetical doomsday modeling scenarios for decades. The problem and crazy thing is, for the first time in modern history people are actually taking them seriously and freely elected politicians are deploying Draconian and tyrannical world policies based on complete and utter junk science and fraudulent PCR (CT) cycle threshold!

    — Viscous strain/variant mutations are for the imagination of Hollywood and have no place or reference in empirical Virology!

    — Antigenic shift (mutation) is a common normal biological function. Even though Cronavirus are considered far more stable in this regard than flu/virus, nevertheless inevitably will occur within large population infection spread. This is precisely why vaccines have little to no chance of effectiveness for Corona type viruses. History has proven this true over and over. Corna vaccines are notoriously problematic ( mostly due to rapid weakening) and have never been successful.

    — SARS-COV-2 will not/cannot be contained or eradicated. What is going on right now, is known in epidemiology as the pathogen endemic equilibrium phase, (viral stasis) and is perfectly normal. Virulence weakening and dilution is what always happens when mutations and naturally acquired herd immunity is occurring throughout the populations. Invariably mutation causes infection rate increase and lethality rate decrease, henceforth it becomes ubiquitous and permanent. Vaccination at this stage, is essentially pointless.

    — To show statistical significance for a virus of this type, a vaccine must show efficacy, (save lives, Period.) However, when the overall death rate is between 0.2 and 0.5 %, there will be little to no benefit. In other words, SARS-COV-2 virus is far too weak right now to show a vaccine effectiveness rate numerically, at population scale.

    — Ubiquitous viruses are fought and defeated primarily by the T-Cell lymphocytes within our immune systems, Not from antibodies. The entire narrative that is being heavily perpetuated by a large sector of the science community is False. Either they simply do not understand or are blatantly lying. (This is fundamental immunology, based on biological Law. First term, first lesson, Chapter -1 “Steps leading through virus infection, to immunity”).

    — What is going on in the world, is truly bizarre. To the extent that in just the past few short months, all virology and immunology textbooks ever printed in existence, are being re-written as we speak, the premise to all empirical scientific methodology, logic and reason. Induction of global hysteria by censorship of empirical science. (akin to StockHolm Syndrome at mass population scale)

  10. The source of COVID cannot be actually scientifically determined these reports are all speculative. This virus along with ebola, aids etc etc were all man made by scientists who interfere with the law of nature. A virus appears, human genocide results then miraculously a vaccine (made but injecting the same virus into humans & allowing an already compromised immune system to try to develop antibodies) is created making $ billions for the pharmaceutical company? It’s always easier to blame bats, chickens etc as they can’t defend themselves!! Seriously it’s time to make these experimental scientists & who the work for accountable!!

  11. — I publicly call out and challenge any scientist Worldwide to discredit a single Word!

    — The so called infectious disease experts have been calling out these hypothetical doomsday modeling scenarios for decades. The problem and crazy thing is, for the first time in modern history people are actually taking them seriously and freely elected politicians are deploying China Ideological Draconian public policies based on complete and utter junk science and fraudulent PCR (CT) cycle threshold!

    — Viscous strain/variant mutations are for the imagination of Hollywood and have no place or reference in empirical Virology!

    — Antigenic shift (mutation) is a common normal biological function. Even though Cronavirus are considered far more stable in this regard than flu/virus, nevertheless inevitably will occur within large population infection spread. This is precisely why vaccines have little to no chance of effectiveness for Corona type viruses. History has proven this true over and over. Corna vaccines are notoriously problematic ( mostly due to rapid weakening) and have never been successful.

    — SARS-COV-2 will not/cannot be contained or eradicated. What is going on right now, is known in epidemiology as the pathogen endemic equilibrium phase, (viral stasis) and is perfectly normal. Virulence weakening and dilution is what always happens when mutations and naturally acquired herd immunity is occurring throughout the populations. Invariably mutation causes infection rate increase and lethality rate decrease, henceforth it becomes ubiquitous and permanent. Vaccination at this stage, is essentially pointless.

    — To show statistical significance for a virus of this type, a vaccine must show efficacy, (save lives, Period.) However, when the overall death rate is between 0.2 and 0.5 %, there will be little to no benefit. In other words, SARS-COV-2 virus is far too weak right now to show a vaccine effectiveness rate numerically, at population scale.

    — Ubiquitous viruses are fought and defeated primarily by the T-Cell lymphocytes within our immune systems, Not from antibodies, which in turn protects the old and vulnerable. (MPIE) Mass population Immunization by Exposure (herd immunity)

    — The entire narrative that is being heavily perpetuated by a large sector of the science community is False. Either they simply do not understand or are blatantly lying. (This is fundamental immunology, based on biological Law. First term, first lesson, Chapter -1 “Steps leading through virus infection, to immunity”).

    — What is going on in the world, is truly bizarre. To the extent that in just the past few short months, all virology and immunology textbooks ever printed in existence, are being re-written as we speak, the premise to all empirical scientific methodology, logic and reason. Induction of global hysteria by censorship of empirical science. (akin to StockHolm Syndrome at mass population scale)

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