New #COVID19 virus variant – Discussion with experts from WHO, @CovidGenomicUK and @sangerinstitute


New #COVID19 virus variant – Discussion with experts from WHO, @CovidGenomicUK and @sangerinstitute


  1. Prepare ourselves with related information and knowledge is vita. Hope everyone stays healthy and happy! Happy holidays❤

  2. My question to WHO….
    If we have 999 billion platelet, so what will happen to your body????

    I am just a kid…. This is very curious question for me…….

  3. Sounds like the seasonal flu. It supposedly mutates every year and that’s why those greedy bastards at the big pharma companies want you to get a seasonal flu shot every year. Give it up already WEF, CDC, WHO, etc… we all know that there is NO PANDEMIC and this scam is just to usher in your twisted “Great Reset” and injure people while making billions injecting people with your big pharma poison.

  4. Sounds like the seasonal flu. It supposedly mutates every year and that’s why those greedy bastards at the big pharma companies want you to get a seasonal flu shot every year. Give it up already WEF, CDC, WHO, etc… we all know that there is NO PANDEMIC and this scam is just to usher in your twisted “Great Reset” and injure people while making billions injecting people with your big pharma poison.

    1,750,000 “Covid Deaths” ÷ 7,800,000,000 World Population = 0.0002243589743% Death Rate
    Tuberculosis death rate 1.5 million every year but we don’t shut down the whole world. F U WHO for insulting our intelligence. F U WEF for killing society.

    1,750,000 “Covid Deaths” ÷ 7,800,000,000 World Population = 0.0002243589743% Death Rate
    Tuberculosis death rate 1.5 million every year but we don’t shut down the whole world. F U WHO for insulting our intelligence. F U WEF for killing society.

  7. –Antigenic shift (mutation) is a common normal biological function among coronavirus /more so with flu. This is precisely why vaccines have little to no chance of effectiveness for Corona type viruses. History has proven this true over and over. Corna vaccines are notoriously problematic ( mostly due to rapid weakening) and have never been successful.

    — What is going on right now, is known in epidemiology as the pathogen endemic equilibrium phase, (viral stasis) and is perfectly normal. Virulence weakening and dilution is what always happens when mutations and naturally acquired herd immunity is occurring throughout the populations. Invariably mutation causes infection rate increase and lethality rate decrease. Vaccination at this stage, is essentially pointless.

    — To show statistical significance for a virus of this type, a vaccine must show efficacy, (save lives, Period.) However, when the overall death rate is between 0.2 and 0.4 %, there will be little to no benefit. In other words, SARS-COV-2 virus is far too weak right now to show a vaccines effectiveness rate numerically, at population scale.

    — Ubiquitous viruses are fought and defeated primarily by the T-Cell lymphocytes within our immune systems, Not from antibodies. The entire narrative that is being heavily perpetuated by a sector of the science community is False and they must fully understand this. (This is fundamental immunology, first term, first lesson, Chapter -1 “Steps leading through respiratory virus infection, to immunity”).

    — What is going on in the world, is truly bizarre! To the extent that in just the past few short months, all virology and immunology textbooks ever printed in existence, are being re-written as we speak, the premise to all empirical scientific methodology, logic and reason.

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