Polis provides update on Colorado’s ‘safer-at-home’ order


Gov. Jared Polis is providing an update on COVID-19 to outline guidance for life during the “safer-at-home” period in Colorado.

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  1. The amount of technical difficulties throughout ALL of these briefings over the last few weeks is astounding. Get your shit together, or do you not want the public to know what’s actually happening?

  2. You guys are a professional news organization. Figure out the audio and re upload the clip. Full blast volume and you can’t hardly hear anything.

  3. Cory Gardner is Colorado’s Senator. He’s supposed to be fighting for the people of Colorado. Instead he’s working with #moscowmitch to stop legislation for rent and mortgage relief for regular Americans. He’s only interested in more Big Business Bailouts.
    * Instead he’s stapled himself to Trump’s GOP. Badly needed ventilators ordered by Gov. Polis were confiscated by FEMA and then 100 were sent in Cory Gardner’s name by Trump. Lives depend on these ventilators and Trump doles them out to win elections.
    * In Greeley, Colorado, in a meatpacking plant that was ordered to test everyone in the plant for COVID-19 before reopening and Vice president Mike Pence promised to supply tests, the plant reopened anyway. Five people have died. Nearly a 1000 have tested positive. Family members of plant workers have died.
    * It’s American greed trumping American lives. Mike Pence lied about the tests to people desperate to know if they’re are infectious. And Cory Gardner is in on the lie.
    In November vote AGAINST EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN you can find!
    Nearly 60,000 Americans died on their watch!


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