hotcool = Buddhist Arya Sinhala ( lion people) greeting = AYUBOVAN – Wish all for long life = it is very nice and humbling to see a great leaders emergency care personal risking their lives working for hours to heal people== we can defeat COVID 19= god(s) speed = in god(s) we trust = heal USA AND THE WORLD = om Buddha shanthi om = never forget what is USA = ?/?= thank you in GOD(S) SPEED NO WW3 please = thank you
News Flash I BET DON LEMON will find something DEVIOUS in national NURSES DAY and the PRESIDENT SPEECH LITTLE BOY BLUE would find a bad word in a speech JESUS WROTE and he believes in his lies
Why don’t you call the virus a loser? that might help. by far, bigly.
Praying in Jesus Name.
What a bullshit president
What a bullshit supporters
Do talk bad about the POTUS
What energy!
“They shouldn’t call it the Lincoln Project, they should call it the Loser’s Project.” LOLOLOLOL!!!! MAGA KAG 2020
I ♥️ our POTUS!
. Epic Troller! 
Trump save the world ! He’s doing a great job!!
hotcool = Buddhist Arya Sinhala ( lion people) greeting = AYUBOVAN – Wish all for long life = it is very nice and humbling to see a great leaders emergency care personal risking their lives working for hours to heal people== we can defeat COVID 19= god(s) speed = in god(s) we trust = heal USA AND THE WORLD = om Buddha shanthi om = never forget what is USA = ?/?= thank you in GOD(S) SPEED NO WW3 please = thank you
Nov. 3rd 2020 ! Trump 4 more year’s.

Thank you President Trump for looking out for us while Gates and his cronies depopulate and kill us off.
Trump 2020 !!!
Germany-Berlin 1. & 2. Mai 2020
Covit-19 Protest
Thanks President

Trump’s .We love our President

great American again 2020
The PEOPLE love you, and the PEOPLE thank you, President Trump!!
All evil forces in the world are attacking Trump in partnership, but Trump will not be defeated because he has the help of God.
Thank you, mr. President.
Cold open usa trump tower start okay
News Flash I BET DON LEMON will find something DEVIOUS in national NURSES DAY and the PRESIDENT SPEECH LITTLE BOY BLUE would find a bad word in a speech JESUS WROTE and he believes in his lies