President Trump Participates in a Meeting with the Governor of Arkansas and the Governor of Kansas


The White House


  1. You look tired Sir & America really needs you right now. So get some real rest & your bearings. Please.🌹


  3. eventhough nobody care but me not , I care about the best of the USA, your proud of everything in the World !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Do his speech writers put everything in parentheses with a squared sign? E.g. (Hard workers)*2 What is it with saying everything twice? It sounds like he’s trying to highlight the best features on a used car sale and always gives me the feeling he is not being sincere. Maybe that’s just me.

  5. Asymptomatic is a catch all for Dr Brix to create fear in the people without and pure research proves or supports all of her assertions. Evil reporter trying to make Trump look like he is not supporting the CDC which has lately shown evidence that they are lying and producing false data for the deep state. These reporters act as rabid dogs and are angry, hostile, and show no respect for the President and this is a critical point for American citizens to look and realize that these fake news people are against America and our standards of proper morality and respect.

  6. Yes, the Democrats do ballot harvesting. That’s how they win elections. 
    For instance, Washington State uses mail in ballots. Why are voters required to put their party affiliation on the front of the envelope? Look into this President Trump, something is fishy! Also, a ton of families still have not received the stimulus checks. Democratic governors are slow rolling the money and it’s hurting their citizens.

  7. Highest Tax Breaks in American History to the Wealthiest people, thanks tRump 🤪👍 what a guy huh. 🤪👍 durrrrrrr 2020 dunce hat.Highest Tax Breaks in American History to the Wealthiest people.

  8. The FAKEmedia SOBs are always trying to play GOTCHA GAMES with our great President Trump and he handles them like a VERY STABLE GENIUS! PDJT is a very SHARP MAN for his age, shit, I’m fixing to be 52 and most times I can’t remember what I DID or SAID 10 seconds ago… Can anyone really imagine 0biden being president, but then again, he would be handled with kid gloves, like the FAKEmedia handled 0dumb0 the clown for 8yrs and the way they do most if not all demonKKKrats!

  9. Thank you sir Mr President you are right Sir you doing very good God will behind you every where Sir, good luck Sir ⭐️👍🙏🥇🇱🇷

  10. Anyone today who Votes for this Pedophile or any of these ‘Demoncrap Baby killers, should be put to sleep-. So help them God, the Rabid animals they have become. Time to drain the Pound, all the dogs have Rabies. No question to someone with Eyes to see, Ears to hear and witness their Treason and criminal Coups. Equal Justice and head should Roll and Cockroaches can be exterminated,, The House over Run and the home owners are Sick of it. RAID

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